UW Emergency Management

UWEM Timeline

April 2, 2015

Oct. 4, 1999

Eight panels from the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) display were defaced. The cost of repairs was estimated at $1,800. 12 glass ampules containing a foul smelling liquid were broken near the CBR display. No arrests made.

July 2, 1999

Earthquake- Mag 5.1, centered in Satsop, WA. No reported damage to UW buildings.

May 29, 1999

Animal Rights Protest. 60+ individuals involved. Picketing of UW buildings and a 20-hour “sit-in” at President McCormick’s Office. Minor disruption. No arrests made.

July 7, 1997

Animal Rights Protest. 30 individuals involved. Minor disturbance at the HSB. One broken window. Two arrests.

March 27, 1997

Kincaid Hall laboratory fire. Fire destroyed years of research, irreplaceable biological collections, data and equipment. The lab was unusable for eight months. Estimated cost was $1.5 million to $2 million.

May 2, 1996

Earthquake. Magnitude 5.3, centered in Duvall. No damage reported to UW buildings.

February 1993

Shooting in the HUB gaming area. One person injured. Treated at UW Medical Center.

Jan. 20, 1993

Inauguration Day Storm. Considered by some to be the most powerful storm since the 1962 Columbus Day Storm.

Jan. 8, 1993

A faulty electrical cable caused an underground fire. The age of the cable was blamed. Cost of repairs was $50,000.

Oct. 29, 1992

A bomb damaged the Memorial Way gatehouse. A pipe bomb caused heavy damage to the structure.

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