UW Faculty Auxiliary

April 26, 2016

May 2016 newsletter is on-line

The May 2016 newsletter is posted with lots of information such as the new UFWA Board membership.  Just go to the Newsletter page to read all the news.

April 16, 2016

Gallery Goers outing April 27, Bellevue Art Museum

The Gallery Goers will be going to the Bellevue Arts Museum (BAM) 510 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue on Wed., April 27th and having lunch at MOKSHA, Indian Cuisine near the BAM. There are 3 major art/crafts exhibitions that we will be viewing. The first two will be a docent guided tour and the third one will…

UWFA annual spring luncheon, May 25, 11:30am, Seattle Yacht Club

The Annual Spring Luncheon will be held Wednesday, May 25 at the Seattle Yacht Club, beginning 11:30 am with a no-host bar, followed by the luncheon at 12:15 pm. It is one of the social highlights in our calendar. Our featured guest speaker David B. Williams will talk about  “Reshaping the Seattle Landscape: regraded hills, re-engineered tide flats, and re-plumbed…

April 1, 2016

UWFA annual business meeting April 11, 1:30pm UW Club

Plan to attend the Annual Business Meeting on Monday, April 11, at 1:30pm at the UW Club.  We will be voting for the 2016 – 2017 UWFA Board and a quorum of our members is needed.  Please come and bring a friend. At this point the position of Vice President is open.  Please consider joining…