UW Faculty Auxiliary

June 23, 2016

Tuesday Trekkers on WTA work party

luncheon and WTA work party 025

On June 14 a dozen or so Tuesday Trekkers devoted their regular hiking day to giving back to the WTA by volunteering to work on the White Chuck Bench Trail on the Mountain Loop Highway near Darrington. A favorite trail through some beautiful woods next to a wonderful river, Tuesday Trekkers last hiked here in January of 2016, so was a delight to return. We worked with crew leader Zach McBride, who also led last year’s work party.  We cleared brush, built a new section of trail, and got a tutorial on the art of trail building. Because it is a long drive to the work site, some of us took advantage of staying at the Darrington Bunkhouse, which WTA has available for volunteers.

It was a great day. We all came away with a sense of accomplishment and new trail-building skills.