UW Faculty Auxiliary

October 24, 2016

Hat Sales at the Dawg Dash – Success

Well, what can I say about the tremendous power of one, well maybe two.

Kay Gordon started the gorgeous hat knitting and crocheting business quite a while back and by some stroke of good fortune she became part of not only the UWFA, but also of our Stitchery group.  She has created over 100 great looking hats, from hats for going to the opera to going to the Husky Game.

Since it is hard to sell the hats exclusively to our members an effort was made by Kay and Hady de Jong to show the hats to other groups and today, after much planning and organizing, we showed the hats at the UW Dawg Dash on Red Square. It was a great event and Kay and Hady set up the tables and tent for the event at 7:00 am this morning. By the time I got there around 9:00 am they had already sold many many hats and the run was starting to get underway. Gay Hardy also joined us to help with the sales and also to help with the take-down of our tools of the trade.

Table of the UWFA with hats

Table of the UWFA with hats

Anyway the upshot is that we made $330 for our scholarship fund AND had a great time out there with the students, faculty and staff and sold our wares and told people about the UWFA as well, but we also had a lot of fun.

So THANK YOU, power of one, Kay Gordon and power of two Hady de Jong, you made it possible for us to have great exposure and to raise the money for the scholarship fund. Thank you also Gay for helping us out as well and making it the power of three and counting myself the humble power of four.

Hady de Jong donning one of the hats

Hady de Jong donning one of the hats

Not only does this show our initiative but it also underscores our deep connection with the UW community.

Kay and Hady already have more thoughts and connections for reaching out but we need more knitters. Will you commit to knitting a few hats in the coming year for needy students? Sign up with Kay, yarn and patterns will be provided.


Dagmar S