UW Faculty Auxiliary

November 9, 2017

Another Swiss Trekkers’ Adventure

2017-09-23 Alpabzug–The Cows Come Home The Tuesday Trekkers were lucky enough to be in the lower Engadin Valley for the Alpabzug or celebration of the cows coming down the mountains on September 23rd.  The cows summered in mountain pastures above the towns of Ftan and Sent, and the villagers (and tourists) welcomed them with alphorns,…

New Interest Group: Theater in my Living Room

Amy Ruben took the initiative to create a new interest group called “Theater in my living room”.  There was already a meeting of “four kindred people”.  Another meeting is already planned and others showed interest to participate.  You find the details on the home page (Theater in the Living Room) as well as contact information.