UW Faculty Auxiliary

July 27, 2019

Kay Spelman in Memoriam

I am very sad to report the passing of Kay Spelman, a wonderful friend to many of us and a loyal, supportive member of UWFA. She passed away peacefully on July 7, 2019.

Though born in Mount Vernon in 1938, Kay spent her Junior High and High School years in Yakima and then attended the University of Washington to study education. On her way to California for her first teaching position she met, however, a young and handsome Army Officer from California named Sandy (Francis) Spelman. They fell in love and were married on August 19, 1961 in Yakima.

Kay and Sandy moved to Seattle after their wedding, raised two children and devoted their lives to their family. When her children reached high school age she returned to teaching for a number of years. She was active as a volunteer at her Assumption school, Assumption church, Francis Hoffman Circle, Solid Ground Sand Point Housing and the UW Faculty Auxiliary, where she served as President in 1988. Kay was an early participant with Barbara Garlid in starting the Visiting Faculty Housing Service and she volunteered there for more than 30 years. She also served as editor of the UWFA newsletter and also belonged to several interest groups. Kay made many friends in the Faculty Auxiliary and she will be missed.

The Spelmans were a close knit family and took trips together every year, usually around the state. Those trips were adored and looked forward to by all members of the family.

Kay leaves behind her beloved husband Sandy, their children, grandchildren and the most recent member of the family, her great-grandson.