November 6, 2020
UWFA Scholarship Awards and Lecture
UWFA Scholarship Awards Presentation and Lecture Wednesday, November 11, 12 noon Via Zoom
Helen Szablya, “My Only Choice: 1942-1956 Hungary.”
For over 50 years the UWFA has given scholarships to deserving UW undergraduates who have high GPA’s, have overcome adversity, and have served their community.
This year we will award $18,000 in scholarships, awarding $6,000 each to three qualified students. At this virtual event we will meet them and hear their inspiring stories. Our fundraising opportunities for our Scholarship Fund are limited this year due to the pandemic, yet we want to be able to continue awarding scholarships in future years. If you would like to make a donation to our Scholarship Fund, please send a check payable to the UWFA to our Treasurer, Traudi Krausser, 4218 W. Ruffner St., Seattle WA 98199, or make a donation online by going to our website,, and follow the Scholarship link.
Following the Scholarship Awards presentation, we will listen to a lecture by our own UWFA member, Helen Szablya, “My Only Choice: 1942-1956 Hungary.”
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