UW Faculty Auxiliary

March 28, 2016

Tuesday Trekker hikes for March 29, 2016

View from Visitors Center, Nisqually

View from Visitors Center, Nisqually

Good Morning Trekkers –

With cooperation of the weather gods, we had a wonderful time exploring the trails and boardwalks at the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge last week. I wish I could send out all the incredible photos of birds and sea life that were taken! What a wealth of life in this delta area!

This week there will be a return outing to the Nisqually for Luci, Libby and all others, SILVER or GOLD, who missed the opportunity last week. Plan to meet at NE 50th & 35th NE in time to depart at 8 AM. Weather should be good. Very low chance of showers. Please let both Sue suechristian26@gmail.com & Luci luciboyle@yahoo.com know if you are going and whether you can drive. Bring binoculars (you’ll be glad!), wind protection (it can get chilly out on the boardwalk even with a little wind), and if you’re as optimistic as Luci, bring sunscreen.

SILVER hikers will head over to Dungeness Spit, the longest coastal spit in the United States….. and surely the most glorious! The hardiest can hike all the way out to the lighthouse at the end of the spit. This is 11 miles RT, all beach-walking. Others may wish to hike shorter distances and take their time to poke around the beaches and enjoy the abundant wildlife. The tides and weather should both be very cooperative, but do dress for max. 60 degree weather and possible winds…. and, as above, don’t forget binocs and sun screen. As this trip takes us over to the Olympic Peninsula and we’ll want generous hiking time, don’t make evening plans that require you to be home early. Some may opt to have dinner enroute. We’ll depart from NE 178th in Lake Forest Park opposite Libby’s drive way. We’ll aim for the 7:55 ferry from Edmonds to Kingston, so arrive at meeting place early enough for a prompt 7:15 departure. Let Barbara know by 5 pm Monday if you plan to go and whether you can drive. Info. and trip reports at www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/dungeness-spit.
