UW Faculty Auxiliary

April 9, 2020

Mahin (Mimi) Wagar in Memoriam

We learned yesterday that our Past President Mahin (Mimi) Wagar passed away gently last Friday, March 13, 2020.  We are saddened at this news and remember her as the gentlest of ladies in our midst who could make anyone feel good. Getting to know Mimi was a blessing that few could resist. We all admired…

July 27, 2019

Kay Spelman in Memoriam

I am very sad to report the passing of Kay Spelman, a wonderful friend to many of us and a loyal, supportive member of UWFA. She passed away peacefully on July 7, 2019. Though born in Mount Vernon in 1938, Kay spent her Junior High and High School years in Yakima and then attended the…

May 25, 2019

Alvin Eller in Memoriam

On March 1st, Alvin Eller, husband of Ruth Eller and long-time UWFA member, died at Horizon House. Alvin and Ruth were married for 66 years and they moved to Seattle after a successful dental practice of 33 years in Southbury, Connecticut. Alvin enjoyed the UWFA and attended many events such as the Luncheon Lecture Series…

August 31, 2018

Bastille Day 2018

The French Conversation Group’s annual Bastille Day party on July 14th was historic.  It marked not only the 50th anniversary of our celebration of “le Quatorze, but also 50 years of Yolande Siki’s leadership.  Since the late 1960’s our “professor”, mentor, and friend has guided our efforts to improve and maintain our French fluency with…

July 13, 2018

Survey of Members’ Interests for Program Content

Sixty members recently provided written comments and preferences about possible topics for luncheon speaker. Here are the vote-counts: 30 – TRAVEL 28 – HISTORY 24 – ART 22 – MUSIC 22 – WORLD AFFAIRS 22 – SCIENCE ***** 17 – HOUSE & GARDEN 16 – EDUCATION 14 – COMMUNITY ISSUES 13 – HEALTH 11 –…

February 25, 2018

Hiking and Traveling in the Lower Engiadina

Ever wondered how the Eastern part of Switzerland looks like?  Here is your chance to listen to all the adventures of a group of Tuesday Trekkers, hiking in the Lower Engiadina. Wednesday, February 28, 2018: Hiking in Switzerland, presented by Sandy Wood for the Tuesday Trekkers Scrafitto-decorated homes, celebration of cows returning from the alms, “knoedel soup”…

December 23, 2017

Hats for Sale

“Hats for Sale, all proceeds go 100% to the UWFA scholarship fund, all hats are handmade and all hats are unique, come try them on and we have mirrors to let you see how good you look in them!” That was the rallying cry to bring in the customers at the Hat Sale on November…

December 7, 2017


2017 Scholarship Committee Report The Faculty Auxiliary Scholarship Committee recognized three award winners on the evening of November 7th, 2017, at the University Club with dinner and a featured lecture program. The dinner and program were sold out and 88 people attended the combination. Three UW senior women, Michelle Davis, Hakikat Baines, and Rayeong Chang…

November 9, 2017

Another Swiss Trekkers’ Adventure

2017-09-23 Alpabzug–The Cows Come Home The Tuesday Trekkers were lucky enough to be in the lower Engadin Valley for the Alpabzug or celebration of the cows coming down the mountains on September 23rd.  The cows summered in mountain pastures above the towns of Ftan and Sent, and the villagers (and tourists) welcomed them with alphorns,…

New Interest Group: Theater in my Living Room

Amy Ruben took the initiative to create a new interest group called “Theater in my living room”.  There was already a meeting of “four kindred people”.  Another meeting is already planned and others showed interest to participate.  You find the details on the home page (Theater in the Living Room) as well as contact information.

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