UW Faculty Auxiliary

October 24, 2016

Hat Sales at the Dawg Dash – Success

Well, what can I say about the tremendous power of one, well maybe two. Kay Gordon started the gorgeous hat knitting and crocheting business quite a while back and by some stroke of good fortune she became part of not only the UWFA, but also of our Stitchery group.  She has created over 100 great…

August 20, 2016

Eva Bor, M.D. 1927 – 2016

UWFA member Eva Bor passed away in Prague, Czech Republic, on May 28, 2016. She was born in October 17, 1927, in Czechoslovakia. After World War II she entered Charles University Medical School where she met her Imrich Bor. They were married in 1952. Eva became a pediatrician, and practiced in Eastern Slovakia, where her…

August 3, 2016

UWFA Publicity Within the UW Community

We now have permanent links to our website and to the VFHS on the UW Academic Human Resources website.  We also have a permanent link on The Whole U website.  The UWRA has a link to our interest groups on their website.   Enter:  “UW Academic Human Resources”, click on “Working at UW”, click on…

June 23, 2016

Tuesday Trekkers on WTA work party

On June 14 a dozen or so Tuesday Trekkers devoted their regular hiking day to giving back to the WTA by volunteering to work on the White Chuck Bench Trail on the Mountain Loop Highway near Darrington. A favorite trail through some beautiful woods next to a wonderful river, Tuesday Trekkers last hiked here in…

Tuesday Trekkers adventures

2016-06-05 Marmot Pass and Glacier Basin, Mt. Rainier N. P. Wow!  What a hike we had yesterday.  Eleven of us headed to the Olympic Peninsula to hike to Marmot Pass, near Quilcene.  We had light rain as we drove from Kingston to Quilcene but by the time we got to the trailhead, the rain had…

June 15, 2016

100 years of UW Club and UWFA

Carol Hol, our historian took the time to put together some interesting facts about the relationship between the University of Washington Club and the UW Faculty Auxiliary. 1916 was an important date for our organization. 100 YEARS UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON CLUB AND UW FACULTY AUXILIARY       (through the years the names of the UWFA and the UW…

April 26, 2016

May 2016 newsletter is on-line

The May 2016 newsletter is posted with lots of information such as the new UFWA Board membership.  Just go to the Newsletter page to read all the news.

March 28, 2016

Tuesday Trekker hikes for March 29, 2016

Good Morning Trekkers – With cooperation of the weather gods, we had a wonderful time exploring the trails and boardwalks at the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge last week. I wish I could send out all the incredible photos of birds and sea life that were taken! What a wealth of life in this delta area!…

March 10, 2016

X-C Skiing at Silver Star in the Canadian Okanogan

Five intrepid souls of the UW Faculty Auxiliary (Bernadette, Linda, Kathleen, Barbara and Donna) headed North for some x-country skiing at Silver Star, in the Canadian Okanagan.  Second day was kind of snowy with wind.  They could not quite escape the the civilization since the last episode of “Downton Abby” had them spell-bound. .  They skied at both…

March 4, 2016

Afternoon at the Movies, 10 March at 1:30

Hi Moviegoers: Did you find the Chris Rock amusing on the Oscars or was the diversity thing a little heavy handed by the end? Anyway, we will be seeing a non-diverse Oscar winner next Thursday, 10 March at Thornton Creek Cinemas, at 1:30. Arrive a few minutes early and we can walk in together. The…

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