UW Faculty Auxiliary

August 3, 2016

UWFA Publicity Within the UW Community

We now have permanent links to our website and to the VFHS on the UW Academic Human Resources website.  We also have a permanent link on The Whole U website.  The UWRA has a link to our interest groups on their website.   Enter:  “UW Academic Human Resources”, click on “Working at UW”, click on…

June 23, 2016

Tuesday Trekkers on WTA work party

On June 14 a dozen or so Tuesday Trekkers devoted their regular hiking day to giving back to the WTA by volunteering to work on the White Chuck Bench Trail on the Mountain Loop Highway near Darrington. A favorite trail through some beautiful woods next to a wonderful river, Tuesday Trekkers last hiked here in…

Tuesday Trekkers adventures

2016-06-05 Marmot Pass and Glacier Basin, Mt. Rainier N. P. Wow!  What a hike we had yesterday.  Eleven of us headed to the Olympic Peninsula to hike to Marmot Pass, near Quilcene.  We had light rain as we drove from Kingston to Quilcene but by the time we got to the trailhead, the rain had…

June 15, 2016

100 years of UW Club and UWFA

Carol Hol, our historian took the time to put together some interesting facts about the relationship between the University of Washington Club and the UW Faculty Auxiliary. 1916 was an important date for our organization. 100 YEARS UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON CLUB AND UW FACULTY AUXILIARY       (through the years the names of the UWFA and the UW…

June 10, 2016

Renew your UWFA membership for 2016-2017

Dear UWFA Members, It is that time of year again to renew your membership to the UWFA for the 2016 -2017 academic year.  Many of you have generously, at the same time, donated to the UWFA Scholarship Fund.  This year we ask you donate again. We qualify as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of…

UWFA spring luncheon, May 25

Hello all, What makes a Spring Luncheon wonderful? Well, if you were at the last UWFA Spring Luncheon at the Seattle Yacht Club in May, you would say without hesitation, that that Luncheon was wonderful. It had all the usual accruements, a beautiful location, delicious food, and a great speaker and still it was more…

May 14, 2016

UWFA May News

We hope to see you at the Annual Spring Luncheon on May 25 at the Seattle Yacht Club.  Details are in the May Newsletter, which you should have received in the mail recently.  There is also a Reservation form attached to the emailed version of the May newsletter.  You can download that form, print it, fill…

April 26, 2016

May 2016 newsletter is on-line

The May 2016 newsletter is posted with lots of information such as the new UFWA Board membership.  Just go to the Newsletter page to read all the news.

April 16, 2016

Gallery Goers outing April 27, Bellevue Art Museum

The Gallery Goers will be going to the Bellevue Arts Museum (BAM) 510 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue on Wed., April 27th and having lunch at MOKSHA, Indian Cuisine near the BAM. There are 3 major art/crafts exhibitions that we will be viewing. The first two will be a docent guided tour and the third one will…

UWFA annual spring luncheon, May 25, 11:30am, Seattle Yacht Club

The Annual Spring Luncheon will be held Wednesday, May 25 at the Seattle Yacht Club, beginning 11:30 am with a no-host bar, followed by the luncheon at 12:15 pm. It is one of the social highlights in our calendar. Our featured guest speaker David B. Williams will talk about  “Reshaping the Seattle Landscape: regraded hills, re-engineered tide flats, and re-plumbed…

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