
August 24, 2020

NEW Fast track funding for developing COVID-19 biosensors for skin or oral cavities | Preapplications DUE September 9, 2020

WE-REACH is announcing fast track funding for early-stage projects aimed at developing biosensors for COVID-19 open to researchers in the Pacific Northwest. This one-time opportunity through the NIH is part of the Emergency RADx-Rad initiative to detect the virus or other biomarkers in nasal and oral cavities or skin. This funding is intended to support…

August 12, 2020

Current Call for WE-REACH Proposals


On August 21st, Declarations of Intent (DOIs) are due for WE-REACH Project Funding and Support. The call is open for projects led by University of Washington PIs or collaborators with UW Co-PIs. The intent is to assist investigators in completing proof of product concept validation and securing follow-on funding. For more information, see our request…

July 14, 2020

Biomedical Innovations Win WE-REACH Go-To-Market Awards

Seattle, WA (July 14, 2020)—The Washington Entrepreneurial Research Evaluation and Commercialization Hub (WE-REACH) is pleased to announce its first awards to facilitate early-stage product development for two biomedical innovations. WE-REACH invests up to $200,000 per awarded project. Funding comes from the NIH with matching support from our partners at the Institute of Translational Health Sciences,…

July 13, 2020

Engineering Innovations in Health (EIH) Call for Submissions

Engineering Innovations in Health (EIH), a collaborator with WE-REACH, is opening up a call for submssions for its yearlong program to develop working, cost-effective solutions to health challenges that are positioned to make a clinical impact in a wide range of specializations. Applications, due on August 1st can be found at the following link. For additional…

May 18, 2020

Entrepreneurial Law Clinic Virtual Office Hours

The Entrepreneurial Law Clinic (ELC) at the University of Washington (a WE-REACH collaborator) is now offering a series of Virtual Office Hours in partnership with the Seattle Public Library to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on business and commercialization. The ELC’s resources are as follows: UW Entrepreneurial Law Clinic COVID-19 Virtual Office Hours – Corporate…

April 29, 2020

Event Recap: Responding to COVID-19 A Ground-Zero Perspective from Washington’s Life Science Community

Life Science Washington and the University of Washington through the WE-REACH Biomedical Entrepreneurship Center teamed up to share stories and perspectives from scientists, researchers, and policymakers about the COVID-19 response. If you missed the webinar held April 23 with experts in Seattle talking about where we are with COVID-19 you can watch the video here.   Recaps and…

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