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June 2024 Web Council agenda

Meeting date: Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 9 a.m.

Meeting recording (UW NetID required)

Word on the Street: Thom Thorpe, director of web strategy in UMAC, will gives us the latest news and notes as we get ready to celebrate graduation.

Empowering Small Groups to Create Impactful Websites: Join us for a ‘train the trainer’ talk where we’ll explore a streamlined process for working with small groups with minimal communications experience to create impactful websites. Dive into the essentials of a solid website plan, from setting audience goals and structuring information architecture to creating realistic timelines. Equip yourself with the expertise to foster best practices on even the smallest websites, ensuring every group’s message is heard loud and clear. Veronica Brace, a web designer with DEOHS, will walk us through the process she created and has refined while building 16 websites in 5 years. After the presentation the resources and templates we use will be available for your team.