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Web Council Meetings

February 2024 Web Council agenda

Meeting date: Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024 at 9 a.m.

  • Word on the Street: Thom Thorpe, director of web strategy in UMAC, will give us news and notes as we head into the second half of winter quarter.
  • Content design is an important practice that can have a big impact on user experience, especially on websites. It can help you and your team answer questions like: What is the content hierarchy?  What messaging comes first?  Where should this piece of content fit in the big picture?  How can we better our UI to reflect that change?
    • IHME colleagues Dana Myers, Jackie DiLorenzo and Rebecca Surill will cover key ingredients to consider for your content design practice such as:
      • Structuring content feedback loops
      • Developing a content strategy
      • Content style guides
  • More than cookies! Aimee Kelly from the Office of Information Security will give us an overview of the services and resources provided by the UW’s Privacy Office.

January 2024 Web Council agenda

Meeting date: Thursday, Jan. 4, 2024 at 9 a.m.

  • Word on the Street: Thom Thorpe, director of web strategy in UMAC, will give us the download of news and notes as we embark on the new year.
  • Checklist for secure Web development: In this security short we’ll walk through a few best practices for securely coding and developing a Web application or site. Jeane Marty from the Office of Information Security will share some of her personal favorites in the form of a checklist.
  • Legislative messaging: Joe Dacca, director of state relations, will give us a brief overview of strategic considerations for the upcoming legislative session.
  • Accessibility short: Terrill Thompson from UW-IT Accessible Technology Services will share tips on making your work more accessible.

December meeting canceled

The meeting scheduled for Dec. 7, 2023 has been canceled. Our next meeting will be on Jan. 4, 2024. More details on the January meeting will be posted soon.

November 2023 Web Council Agenda

Meeting date: Thursday, Nov. 2, 2023 at 9 a.m.

Word on the Street: Thom Thorpe, director of web strategy in UMAC, will offer a roundup of news and notes from around the UW web as we enter the second half of fall quarter.

Options for hosting your website at the UW: Thom Thorpe – you may remember him from such presentations as “Word on the Street” – will give us an overview of many of the ways in which a unit can host a website here at the UW.

Major WordPress theme updates: Lauren Caple, associate director of web development in UMAC, will give us an update on upcoming upgrades to our WordPress theme.

Security Short: Jeane Marty, software engineer in the Office of Information Security, will wrap up the “Securing your GitHub code repository” series by focusing on tools like code scanning and secret scanning, as well as various remaining security features. If you’d like to catch up on previous topics in this series, see the Part 1 and Part 2 slides.

October 2023 Web Council agenda

Meeting date: Thursday, Oct. 5, 2023 at 9 a.m.

  • Word on the Street: Thom Thorpe, director of web strategy in UMAC, will offer a roundup of news and notes from around the UW web as we enter the Big Dark.
  • Cyber Security Month: Melissa Albin, information security analyst in the Office of Information Security, will give us info on how we can engage and learn more.
  • Accessibility Short: Terrill Thompson from UW-IT Accessible Technology Services will debut a recurring short series dedicated to accessibility.

September 2023 Web Council agenda

Meeting date: Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023 at 9 a.m.

  • Word on the StreetThom Thorpe, director of web strategy in UMAC, will offer a roundup of news and notes as we gear up for the start of the academic year.
  • Back-to-School Communications: We will get an overview of messaging, events and social media plans from Courtney Coster, director of brand marketing strategy, and Jacob Kelly, assistant director of social media strategy.
  • Security Short: Fake login pages that steal credentials are a used in many phishing attacks. Habit and human nature conspire against us carefully checking the location bar every time we’re presented with a login page, but what if there were other cues to help us distinguish real login pages from fake ones? Peter Giles from the Office of the CISO will give a preview of a browser extension he’s working on that could help.

June 2023 Web Council agenda

Meeting date: Thursday, June 1, 2023, 9 a.m.

Meeting recording

Word on the Street: UMAC’s very own Thom Thorpe will give us the latest from around the UW Web as we close out the academic year.

PHP upgrade: UWIT’s Huy Nguyen will brief us on an upcoming PHP upgrade.

ConveyUX: Recently, Web Strategy’s Shelby Schumacher was able to attend the ConveyUX conference and is here to share her experience and some of the ways you can drive user-focused change and garner support.

The ABCs of password creation: Jeane Marty from the Office of the CISO will give us a short primer on generating secure passwords and passphrases.

May 2023 Web Council agenda

Meeting date: Thursday, May 4, 2023, 9 a.m.

Meeting recording


  • Word on the Street: Thom Thorpe, director of web strategy in UMAC, will give us the latest news and notes from around the UW web.
  • For Washington: Jackson Holtz (UW News public information officer) and Kiyomi Taguchi (UW News video producer) will us about For Washington, a storytelling website that aims to capture the UW’s presence in and impact on our state. We’ll hear from them about project goals and how they go from strategy to story selection to finished product. They’re hoping to inspire each of you to consider what For Washington stories you might know about as they collect ideas for the next year.

April 2023 meeting agenda

Meeting date: Thursday, April 6, 9 a.m.

Meeting recording

Word on the Street: Thom Thorpe, director of web strategy in UMAC, will give us the latest news and notes from around the UW web.

Creating Video Stories: Teri Shelton and Tiffany Sevareid, front end developers with UMAC, will present the process of creating a Video Story using the Storytelling Modules plugin. Learn best practices, technical considerations and accessibility guidelines during this live demo.

Web Security Short: Pete Graff from the Office of the CISO will be taking a look at credential stuffing – what it is and how you can protect yourself from it.

March 2023 meeting agenda

Meeting date: Thursday, March 2, 9 a.m.

Meeting recording

Word on the Street: Thom Thorpe, director of web strategy in UMAC, will give us the latest news and notes from around the UW web.

Security Shorts: Dependency vulnerability management is an essential part of keeping our applications secure from software supply-chain attacks. For this month’s security short we’ll learn how to do this via dependency management tools in GitHub.

Husky Giving Day 2023: Husky Giving Day is right around the corner on April 6th. Thom will get us ready for the big day with everything we need to know including timelines, communications, branding, and tons of resources.