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Unsupervised Access to Youth

What does it mean to have unsupervised access to youth?

“Unsupervised access” means there is a possibility, even if remote, that an individual could be left alone with an individual or group of youth without other authorized personnel supervising their interactions (including both in-person and virtual interactions). UW employees and volunteers who have unsupervised access to youth must be registered as authorized personnel in YPRS and are required to pass a criminal history background check, complete trainings, and sign the conduct code prior to working with youth.

Many individuals involved in a youth program or youth-involved research will have unsupervised access to youth.  Other supervising adults can be present some of the time, but not all of the time. Parents or guardians may be present but not always supervising their own children. There are also unplanned circumstances like emergencies that need to be accounted for when determining who could potentially be left alone with children or youth.

Typical roles that have unsupervised access to youth include:

  • Program directors, coaches, trainers, principle investigators, or other lead or supervisory staff.
  • Instructors, educators, TA’s, mentors, counselors, researchers, or program assistants who interact with youth regularly.
  • Tour guides who provide tours in the absence of authorized adults.
  • Anyone who may be charged with helping a lost child during an event, e.g., ushers or wayfinding volunteers.
  • Anyone who, though they are not designated as a supervisor of youth, may potentially be left alone with youth. 
  • Anyone who has electronic interactions with youth (e.g., text, email, social media, Zoom, etc.)
  • Anyone who has unsupervised access to youth’s personally identifiable data and contact information.

If you have questions about whether a certain program role should be designated as authorized personnel, email OYPC or book a consultation.