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Office of the Youth Protection Coordinator


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Our Mission 

The Office of the Youth Protection Coordinator is a champion for youth safety and well-being in the University. We lead the development of strong policies and practices and promote safe and high quality experiences for youth who engage with University programs and research.

Our Vision

OYPC envisions a University of Washington where… 

youth and their families are welcomed as members of, and contributors to, the University community with safe, inclusive, and enriching experiences.

youth safety and well-being are core values underpinning our educational and strategic mission.

Office Operational Values


Partnerships strengthen our ability to achieve positive outcomes for youth. 


We commit to fostering inclusive youth engagements through our actions and partnerships.

Growth mindset

We strive to act with competence and humility, and remain committed to learning from our community. 


Our interactions with the University community are guided first and foremost by our ethical responsibility to care for and protect youth.

Youth-centered approach

We act as a coordinated voice to elevate the needs of youth throughout the University.

Our History

This office was born out of state legislation requiring all higher education employees to report suspected child abuse and neglect. Subsequently, a provost-charged Safety of Minors Committee recommended the formation of a central coordinating office.