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APS 10.13 resource library

Policy resources for implementing Requirements for University and Third Party Led Youth Programs and Research  (APS 10.13)

For guidance on using these resources, view our APS 10.13 Resource Guide

Policy quick reference checklist [PDF]

Required training

Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect Supplemental Slides 

Promoting Safe Interactions with Youth implementation guide [PDF]

Sample Safe Interaction Slides– customizable for your program

Youth Protection for Youth Program Leaders Training Resource Guide

Editable checklist of trainings required for youth program personnel (staff-facing) [downloadable .docx]

Editable spreadsheet for tracking completion of trainings required for youth program personnel (program director-facing) [ downloadable .xls]


For guidance on using these resources, also view our conduct code webpage

Behaviors of Concern – reporting resources
Safe Environments

EHS Safety considerations for youth in STEAM Environments [PDF]

Acknowledgment of Risk forms (required in STEAM environments)

For guidance on using these resources, also view our Acknowledgement of Risk forms webpage

Emergency Planning & Response