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YPRS Tutorial: Register a new session within an existing youth program

UW led youth activities* deemed to be in-scope of APS 10.13 must be registered within the Youth Program Registration System (YPRS) prior to the start of youth interactions.

*A UW led youth activity is any program, activity, or event that is:

    • operated or sponsored by the University of Washington or UW personnel; and
    • created for, or directed at, a youth audience, regardless of whether parents, guardians, or other caregivers, e.g., teachers or chaperones are also involved.
    • Activities may take place on campus, off campus or online.

NOTE: Youth activities in which contractors, consultants, vendors, or other non-UW entities provide a service under the oversight of a UW-sponsored youth activity should be registered in the YPRS as a UW led youth activity by the UW department overseeing the youth activity.

Use these instructions to register a new session for a UW led youth activity.

NOTE: If you are registering a session for a brand new youth program that has not previously been registered in the YPRS, if you are new to YPRS, or if you are new to an existing youth program, please first contact the Office of the Youth Protection Coordinator or book a consult with us. OYPC must first create the initial program for you or attach you to an existing program in YPRS before you can register a new session for a UW led youth activity.  Review our page on “programs” and “sessions” to understand whether your activity should be registered as a “session” under an existing “program” in YPRS.

Step 1. Log into the YPRS with your UW NetID and password and complete the Duo verification.

Step 2. From the dashboard, select “Register a UW Led Youth Activity.”

Step 3. Verify the program under which you want to register a new session.

  • If you are only associated with one registered youth program, it will be selected automatically.
  • Otherwise, click “Select a Program”
    • If you don’t see any programs, please contact to gain access to your youth program in YPRS.

Step 4. Once the program is selected, the rest of the page will autofill with that program’s original registration information.

  • Please review program information for accuracy and make any necessary updates.
  • Select the appropriate ProCard for background check billing (it must already be on file with UW’s background check vendor, Sterling). See UW HR’s website for more information about updating your department’s ProCard.

Step 5. Click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page to advance to the “New Session” tab.

Step 6. Enter the following about the UW led youth activity in the “New Session” tab:

  • Session Name
    • If your program has multiple sessions, enter a session name to differentiate between multiple sessions of this program. For example, “2023 Space Camp,” “November 2023 Information Sessions”
  • Date and Time: use our tool to help navigate the calendar feature.
  • Number of Participants: enter the total number of participants you will interact with on the dates entered above.
  • Session attributes: select Yes or No as to whether certain attributes are present in the session
    • Collection and use of youth’s personal information
    • Exposure to hazardous materials or equipment
    • Interaction with animals
    • Locker room use for showering/changing clothes
    • Overnight stay
    • Physical activity
    • Planned one-on-one interactions with youth (e.g., mentoring)
    • Transporting youth in vehicles or vessels
    • Use of labs, shops, or makerspaces
    • Use of remote outdoor locations with potential hazards
    • Use of text, email, or social media communication with youth
    • Weekend or evening activities
    • Online/virtual interactions (e.g. via Zoom)
  • Select locations where your youth program will take place. Provide additional detail (such as campus buildings, addresses, etc.) in the text box. You may also upload this information. This should reflect where interactions with youth are held.
  • Enter personnel affiliated with this session. Revisit the roles tutorial above for help. For each, click “Add a New Person” to open a search box connected to the UW Directory. You may also add those without UW NetIDs or upload a spreadsheet for mass entry.
    • Authorized Personnel: at least one authorized personnel is required. Your program director will automatically be designated as authorized personnel.
    • If your personnel are not yet finalized, enter those you know; you may add personnel later, too. See our tutorial for further instructions.
    • Other Personnel: enter the names of other personnel affiliated with your program, who will not have unsupervised access to youth.

Step 7. Add another session

  • If you want to register another session at this time, use the “Add Another Session” tool at the bottom of the page to add additional sessions. You may use the “copy” features to copy details from the session you just entered to the new one. Or, simply follow the steps above for each session of the program you will offer.

Step 8. When you have entered your last session, click “Next” at the bottom of the page.

Step 9. If you are missing any required information, the incomplete fields will be listed on the next page. Revisit any tabs highlighted in red to input missing information.

Step 10. Once all required fields are complete, you will be asked to certify your understanding of your requirements as a University activity governed by APS 10.13. Enter your initials to certify your agreement.

Step 11. You will then be taken to a Review page. Review your content for accuracy, and when complete, click “Submit Registration Form.”

Step 12. The session will now appear in your “Registration Management” “By Session” tab.