Third party (non-UW or student (RSO) organization) youth activities deemed to be in-scope of APS 10.13 must be registered within the Youth Program Registration System (YPRS) by a facility operator, i.e., a representative of the department that reserves the room(s) used by the third party/RSO and enters into a facility use agreement with the third party/RSO. For additional information about the YPRS, visit our YPRS homepage or watch our video introduction.
Registration for Facility Operators
Use these instructions to register a third party/RSO led youth activity or event.
Step 1. Log into the YPRS with your UW NetID and password, and complete the Duo verification.
Step 2. From the dashboard, select “Registration for Facility Operators”
Step 3. You may skip the “Copy From Previous Session” section. However, if you have previously registered a third party/RSO activity that you would like to copy from, you may select “Yes” to the question “Would you like to copy from a previous session?” and then use the “Select a Session” button to find the session you want to copy from.
Step 4. You will then be asked to provide:
- Name of Activity or Event: include identifiers like month/year to distinguish from similarly named activities. (Ex: May 2025 Shoreline HS Bowling)
- Date and Time: use our tool to help navigate the calendar feature
- Activity Description: A brief description of the activity
- Name of Third Party/RSO Group:
- the name of the group or organization who is responsible for the activity. If the activity is operated by an individual person, provide their name.
- Third Party/RSO Contact Person:
- the first and last name of a representative for the third party/RSO who can be contacted by OYPC with any follow up questions about the activity.
- Third Party/RSO Contact Information
- the email address and phone number of a representative for the third party/RSO who can be contacted by OYPC with any follow up questions.
- Third Party/RSO Website (optional)
- Facility Operator Department:
- use the “Select a Department” button to select the department of the facility host for the activity. Departments are listed under their corresponding unit or college.
- Number of Participants:
- the TOTAL number of youth participants across ALL dates selected on the calendar above. Ex: if the activity hosts 10 youth per day for 5 days, enter 50.
- Minimum and maximum ages of youth participants
- Activity Attributes: select “yes” or “no” as to whether each risk attribute is present in the activity.
- Collection and use of youth’s personal information
- Exposure to hazardous materials or equipment
- Interaction with animals
- Locker room use for showering/changing clothes
- Overnight stay
- Physical activity
- Planned one-on-one interactions with youth (e.g., mentoring)
- Transporting youth in vehicles or vessels
- Use of labs, shops, or makerspaces
- Use of remote outdoor locations with potential hazards
- Use of text, email, or social media communication with youth
- Weekend or evening activities
- Online/virtual interactions (e.g. via Zoom)
- Locations:
- select all locations where the youth activity will take place. Provide additional detail (such as campus buildings, addresses, online platform, etc.) in the text box. You may also upload a detailed list of locations.
- Activity type: select all the apply (Third party is automatically selected)
- College access
- Early learning program
- Educational enrichment
- Matriculated youth on campus
- Mentoring
- Research
- Service learning program
- Sports
- Summer program
- Third party program
- UW Representatives:
- select the UW staff or faculty member supporting this activity.
Step 5. Click “Next” at the bottom of the page when you have finished entering all the session details.
Step 6. Certification: you must enter your initials to certify that a written agreement is in place with the third party/RSO for which this registration is being submitted. The agreement must include language stating that the third party/RSO agrees to meet or exceed the APS 10.13 requirements.
Step 7. Click “Next” at the bottom of the page.
Step 8. Review: if you are missing any required information, the incomplete fields will be listed on the review tab. Revisit any tabs highlighted in red to input missing information.
Step 9. Once all required fields are complete, you may review your content for accuracy on the review tab. When complete, click “Submit Registration Form.” You will receive a confirmation email with the details of the registration form you submitted.
If you have any questions regarding this process, you may contact the Office of the Youth Protection Coordinator at or schedule a consult with our office.