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Quality Improvement in Financial Management at the University of Washington

Vol 2, No. 2
Spring 2003

Recognition Roundup





Recognition Roundup

by Kyra Worrell


The Inciters Team was awarded with a TOPS award on January 31, 2003.
The Inciters met from October 1999 to July 2001. The members of the team were Anita Bingaman, Denise Lim, Sam Senturia, Libby Graham, Diane Harker, Heather Norberg Stewart and Kate Riley. The Inciters team was responsible for the NEOP (New Employee Orientation Program) project, which improved the orientation processes for new employees to Financial Management. The NEOP website provides easy access for new employees to learn about Financial Management’s values, missions and quality focus. The NEOP website can be accessed at:

Lisa Rooks (SFS) was presented with a TOPS award commemorating her improvement of the bankruptcy notice process on March 10, 2003. As the bankruptcy Coordinator, Lisa is responsible for all bankruptcy filings that pertain to UW debt and for notifying campus departments of the bankruptcy status. There can be as many as 137 open bankruptcies at one time. The old bankruptcy notification process was time consuming and required a lot of paper. Lisa took the initiative to create an email which included all of the pertinent information needed by departments for each case. The change decreased the processing time from a day and a half to just under an hour even on heavy volume days.

Barbara Schielmann (Travel) was recognized with a QSTEP for the quality of Committed on Feb. 19, 2003. Barbara has demonstrated her commitment by offering her time and energy to maintain Travel's service goals. Barbara took over the per diem advance program a year ago and has reduced the number of past due advances to zero. Barbara loves her job. She continually expresses this to others and shows it in her attitude.

Heidi Gustafson (EIO) was honored with a QSTEP award for the quality of Committed on Monday, March 31, 2003. Heidi has shown many examples of commitment to her job, not the least of which has been both developing and presenting training courses for Equipment Inventory systems and procedures. Her classes have been very well received: as one participant stated, "Heidi is a wonderful representative for EIO!" Heidi is excited about her job. "Heidi constantly states, 'I love my job,' and it shows."

SFS – 2/26/03

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