UW Alumni Association UW Information School

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Faculty Updates


Joe JanesAssociate Professor and Associate Dean for Academics Joe Janes, has been awarded the 2006 Isadore Gilbert Mudge – R.R. Bowker Award for distinguished contributions to reference librarianship, from RUSA, the reference librarianship division of ALA.  Isadore Mudge was a major force in the field of reference for decades, head of reference at Columbia, and editor of the major guide to reference books for four editions.  Award sponsor R.R. Bowker is the official U.S. agency for the assignment of ISBN numbers.   The award will be officially bestowed at this summer’s ALA conference in New Orleans. 
Associate Professor Cheryl Metoyer has been offered a Rockefeller Fellowship in the Humanities for her research project, "Native American Systems of Knowledge."  

Associate Professor Stuart Sutton, in collaboration with researchers from the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) and the Cornell University Library, have been awarded $500,000 to design and implement a metadata registry architecture for the NSDL.

Publications and Presentations

Associate Professor Terry Brooks published the article “No bad web pages: reader empowerment and the Web” in the January edition of Information Research.  Terry is also working as a consultant for the library at the Alliance Francaise of Seattle.

Senior Lecturer Mike Crandall led a track on new roles for information professionals speaking on "I Roles -- Who and What do We Teach?" at the Internet Librarian Conference in October.

Mike was also a table facilitator at the first annual Big Tent Community Technology (CT) meeting sponsored by the Communities Connect program of Washington State's Center to Bridge the Digital Divide. Over 200 leaders of non-profit community technology organizations gathered to map a vision and strategy for the next five years for CT efforts in Washington State.

Assistant Professor Kevin DeSouza is co-author, with Mark Power, of the new book The Outsourcing Handbook: How it Implement a Successful Outsourcing Process.

Kevin also gave a lecture on “Ethical Concerns in the Intelligence Business: A Multi-Level Analysis” at the First International Conference on Ethics of Political and Military Intelligence in January. 

Professor Mike Eisenberg and Ph.D. student Eric Meyers presented to elementary school students, teachers, and administrators at Sunny Slope Elementary in Wenatchee, WA on tools for information literacy. 

Associate Prof. Joe Janes was interviewed by MSNBC about googlebombing”and by the E-Commerce Times for the article “Yahoo to Make Old Books Searchable.”



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