Advanced Technology Initiative Links:
A Brief Overview
A Letter from the Provost
Funded Proposals
How to Submit a Proposal
The Advanced Technology Initiative Has Been Endorsed
American Electronics Association
Columbia River Economic Development Council
Linear Technologies
Washington Biotechnology & Biomedical
PathoGenesis Corp.
AquaSeed Corp.
SEH America
Siemens Solar
Spokane Valley High Technology Council
Washington Software Association
Atairgin Biotechnologies
The Advanced Technology Initiative
How to Submit a Proposal
Dates to Remember:
March 31, 2000
Preliminary proposals due.
April 14, 2000
Initial selection of preproposals.
May 15, 2000
Full proposals due.
September 15, 2000
Final selections announced.
Submit 8 copies of preliminary proposals to:
Alvin L. Kwiram,
Vice Provost for Research,
Box 351237
Format for preliminary proposals:
Cover page with appropriate department and college signatures.
Statement of no longer than 10 double-spaced pages (six if single-spaced)
Identifies a expanded research thrust and describes current UW
assets/strengths across disciplines.
Identifies related opportunities for regional economic development
flowing from the expanded research thrust.
Describes specific types of faculty needed to bring together existing
resources and to expand research thrust.
Identifies potential industry partners and describes initial
Additional notes and suggestions:
Those wishing to submit are strongly encouraged to review the other ATI
materials available through this site.
Those selected to submit full proposals will also be expected to make
an oral presentation to the review committee.
Proposals selected in the final review will be included in the 01-03 UW
budget request to the Legislature.
For more information contact:
Alvin L. Kwiram,
Vice Provost for Research
Malcolm R. Parks,
Asst. Vice Provost for Research