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Board of Regents 2001 Monthly Meetings October Meetings

Academic and Student Affairs Committee

Regents Yapp (Chr), Gates, Proctor, Ranade

Friday, October 19, 2001
8:15-9:45 a.m. 142 Gerberding Hall
Charge to the Committee
Academic and Administrative Appointments
Lee L. Huntsman, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Steven G. Olswang, Vice Provost
Action A-1
Amendments to the UW Academic Medical CVenter Board Bylaws
Paul G. Ramsey, Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean for the School of Medicine
Action A-2
New Department of Genome Sciences in the School of Medicine
Paul G. Ramsey
Breck E. Byers, Professor and Chair, Genetics
Stanley Fields, Professor, Genetics and Medical Genetics
David C. Hodge, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Maynard V. Olson, Professor, Medicien and Genetics
Action A-3
Department of Architecture - master of Science in Archtecture
Marsha Landolt, Dean of the Graduate School
Action A-4
Department of Biostatistics and Department of Statistics - Statistical Genetics Graduate Certificate
Marsha Landolt
Action A-5
UW Honors Program
Ana Mari Cauce, Director, honors Program
George Bridges, Acting Dean and Vice Provost, Undergraduate Education
Information A-6
Tools for Transformation Report
Debra Friedman, Associate Provost for Academic Planning
Jack Faris, Vice President for University Relations

Board of Regents 2001 Monthly Meetings September Meetings

[University of Washington]