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Board of Regents 2001 Monthly Meetings October Meetings

Finance and Audit Committee #2:

Regents Brotman (Chair), Evans, Grinstein, Ranade, Zehnder; Mr. Smith

Thursday, October 18, 2001
3:00-4:30 p.m.
142 Gerberding Hall

Research Funding: Update and Prostpects:
Summary of Grans and Contracts for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2001
Alvin Kwiram, Vice Provost for Research
Information F-6
2001 Support Services Assissment
Richard L. McCormick, President
Ruth Johnston, Assistant Controller for Student Fiscal Services and Associate Treasurer
Information F-7
Other Business

Board of Regents 2001 Monthly Meetings July Meetings

[University of Washington]