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Board of Regents 2001 Monthly Meetings October Meetings

Board of Regents Agenda

Friday, October 19, 2001
1:00 p.m.
Walker-Ames Room
Kane Hall

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Confirm Agenda
Report of the University President: Dr. McCormick
Report from the University of Washington
Academic Medical Center Board (Information Only)
Report of the President of the Board of Regents: Mr. Chin
SEIU Local 925/CSA Report (Information Only)
Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes of Meeting of September 21, 2001  
Amendements to the UW Academic Medical Center Board Bylaws A-2
New Department of Genome Sciences in the School of Medicine A-3
Department of Architecture - Master of Architecture A-4
Department of Biostatistics and Department of Statistics - Statistical Genetics Graduate Certificate A-5
Grant and Contract Awards - August 2001
University of Washington Tacoma, Phase 2b - Contract Award
Renaming of Engineering and Arts and Sciences Facilities
Naming of the UW Property on Shaw Island the Frederick and Marilyn Ellis Biological Perserve
VII. Standing Committees
A. Academic and Student Affairs Committee: Regent Yapp - Chair
Academic and Administrative Appointments A-1
B. Finance and Audit Committee: Regent Brotman - Chair
Gift Report - September 2001 (Information Only) F-1
Objectives and Responsiblities for the Fiance and
Audit Committee and UWINCO (Information Only)
Limited Partnership Liquidation - Everest Capital Management
(Committee Action Only)
Investment Manager Recommendation - Ignition Venture Partners II
Summary of Grants and Contracts for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2001 F-6
Limited Partnership Recommendation - Highline Capital Partners L.P.
(Committee Action Only)
C. Capital Assets Committee: Regent Proctor - Chair
  D. Strategic Emphases Committee: Regent Evans - Chair
Other Business
Reports from ex officio representatives to the Board:  
ASUW President - Ms. Danica You
GPSS President - Mr. David Nixon
Alumni Association President - Mr. Jack David
Faculty Senate Chairman - Prof. Bradely Holt
IX. Date for Next Regular Meeting: November 16, 2001
Executive Session
XI. Adjournment

October Meetings

[University of Washington]