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Regents 2003 Meetings February Meetings

Academic and Student Affairs Committee

Regents Proctor (Chair), Chin, Gates, Moore-Reeploeg, Zehnder

Friday, February 21, 2003
9:00-10:45 a.m.
142 Gerberding Hall
Kane Hall

Academic and Administrative Appointments
David B. Thorud, Acting Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Action A-1
University of Washington Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Collaboration Agreement
Paul G. Ramsey, Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean of the School of Medicine
Action A-2
Update on UW Accreditation Self-Study Review
Steven G. Olswang, Vice Provost
Cheryl A. Cameron, Associate Vice Provost , Office of the Provost
Intercollegiate Athletics - Mid-year Report from Athletic Director
Barbara A. Hedges, Athletic Director, Intercollegiate Athletics
George S. Bridges, Dean and Vice Provost, Undergraduate Education
Norman G. Arkans, Associate Vice President and Executive Director, University Relations

Regents 2003 Meetings February Meetings

[University of Washington]