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Regents 2003 Meetings February Meetings

Board of Regents Agenda

Friday, February 21, 2003
1:00 p.m.
Walker-Ames Room
Kane Hall

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Confirm Agenda
Report of the President of the Board of Regents: Regent Grinstein
Amendment to the By-Laws of the Board of Regents
Report of the Interim University President: Dr. Huntsman
UW Undergraduate Scholars (Information Only)
Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of November 22, 2002, and Regular meeting of December 13, 2002  
University of Washington and Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Collaboration Agreement A-2
Grant and Contract Awards December 2002 F-2
Johnson Hall Renovation Construction - GC/CM Contract Award C-1
UNICO Properties Inc., 2003 Capital Improvement Plan C-3
VII. Standing Committees
A. Academic and Student Affairs Committee: Regent Proctor - Chair
Academic and Administrative Appointments A-1
B. Finance and Audit Committee: Regent Brotman - Chair
Report of Contributions - January 2003 (Information Only) F-1
2003-04 Academic Year Tuition Rates - Non-Resident Undergraduate, Graduate and Professional Tuition Categories F-3
C. Capital Assets Committee: Regent Jewell - Chair
Other Business
Reports from ex officio representatives to the Board:  
ASUW President - Ms. Alex Narvaez
GPSS President - Mr. David Nixon
Alumni Association President - Mr. Gary Oertli
Faculty Senate Chairman - Prof. Sandra Silberstein
IX. Date for Next Regular Meeting: March 21, 2003
Closed Session (to discuss matters covered by RCW 42.30.140 (4)(b))
XIII. Adjournment

Regents 2003 Meetings February Meetings

[University of Washington]