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Regents 2003 Meetings January Meetings

Capital Assets Committee

Regents Jewell (Chr), Brotman, Evans, Proctor, Yapp, Zehnder

Thursday,January 16, 2003
3:15-5:00 p.m.
Room 142, Gerberding Hall

Conibear Shellhouse Renovation and Addition - Budget Adjustment
Weldon E. Ihrig, Executive Vice President
Richard Chapman, Associate Vice President for Capital Projects
John A. Palewicz, Director, Capital Projects Office Central
Action C-1
Actions Taken Under Delegated Authority
Weldon E. Ihrig
Richard Chapman
Kerry L. Kahl, Director, Purchasing and stores
Olivia Yang, Project Manager, Capital Projects Office
Information C-2
Purchase - Surgery Pavilion Equipment
Weldon E. Ihrig
Kerry L. Kahl
Action C-3
University of Washington Seattle Campus Master Plan- Approval of Response to the Seattle City Council's Final Decision in the Matter of the Campus Master Plan for the Seattle Campus
Weldon E. Ihrig
Theresa Doherty, Assistant Vice President for Regional Affairs
Action C-4
UNICO Properties, Inc.-Amendment of Lease
Weldon E. Ihrig
Jeanette L. Henderson, Director of Real Estate
Lisa L. Stewart, Vice president, Trammell Crow Company
Action C-5
Metropolitan Tract Audit Results
Weldon E. Ihrig
Jeannette L. Henderson
Lisa L. Stewart
Executive Session
to consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price

Regents 2003 Meetings january Meetings

[University of Washington]