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Regents 2003 Meetings July Meetings

Board of Regents Agenda

Friday, July 18, 2003
1:00 p.m.
Walker-Ames Room
Kane Hall

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Confirm Agenda
Report of the President of the Board of Regents: Regent Grinstein
Report of the Interim University President: Dr. Huntsman
Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes of Meeting of May 16, 2003 and June 13, 2003  
Department of Medical Education and Biomedical Informatics - Establishment of the Ph.D. in Biomedical and Health Informatics A-2
College of Architecture and Urban Planning - Establishment of a Ph.D. in Built Environment A-3
Department of Urban Design and Planning - Establishment of a Master in Strategic Planning for Critical Infrastructure A-4
Endowment and Program Naming Policy A-5
Grant and Contract Awards - May 2003 F-1
Bioengineering / Genome Sciences Financing Plan F-3
Fiscal Year 2004 Operating and Capital Budgets F-5
Lease Lid Amendment Approval C-1
Olympic Hotel Lease Assignment C-3
Research & Technology Building - Design-Build Contracting Method and Core
and Shell Project Budget
Merrill Hall Reconstruction Project - Delegated Authority C-5
VII. Standing Committees

A. Academic and Student Affairs Committee: Regent Proctor - Chair
Academic and Administrative Appointments A-1
B. Finance and Audit Committee: Regent Brotman - Chair
Report of Contributions (Information Only) F-2
High Demand and Transfer Admissions Enrollment Requests F-6
C. Capital Assets Committee: Regent Jewell - Chair
Facilities and Spaces Naming Policy
Other Business
Reports from ex officio representatives to the Board:  
ASUW President - Ms. Brittany Goodnight
GPSS President - Ms. Julia Harrison
Alumni Association President - Mr. Gary Oertli
Faculty Senate Chairman - Prof. Sandra Silberstein
IX. Date for Next Regular Meeting: August 15, 2003
Executive Session :
XIII. Adjournment

Regents 2003 Meetings July Meetings

[University of Washington]