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Accountability Report Appendices Appendix M

Doctoral Degree Exit Questionnaire Summary Report

University of Washington Graduate School
Exit Questionnaire Summary Report

Summer 1996 - Spring 1997

Doctoral Only


Average Ratings (scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the highest)

Rating of departmental academic standards 4.19
Response of recent developments or trends 4.21
Adequacy of research and professional training 3.96
Adequacy of space, facilities, and equipment 3.60
Satisfaction with supervision and/or guidance 4.13
Confidence in preparation for 3.57
Adequacy of teaching preparation for students 4.24
Quality of the faculty 4.32
Overall quality of the program 4.17

Percent who had a paper published in a journal while in the program 63.2%

Financial Support
(percent holding graduate appts for 3 quarters or more during program)

Percent receiving support (TA, SA, RA, or Fellowship) 93.3%
Teaching assistantships   35.1%
Staff assistantships   1.3%
Research assistantships   38.1%
Fellowships   18.8%

Teaching Experience at U of W

Served as grader and/or tutor 38.6%
Taught laboratory/quiz sections 55.8%
Taught own class 31.6%

Immediate Post-graduation Plans

Further graduate study 1.6%
Postdoctoral fellowship or research associateship 22.8%
Military service 0.9%
Governmental employment 5.5%
Self-employment 5.9%
Business/Industrial employment 14.5%
Research University 23.9%
Comprehensive university or college 10.9%
Liberal arts college 8.8%
Community college 3.0%
School (K-12) 1.4%
Not seeking employment or further formal education 0.9%

Percentage having secured a position 73.5%
Secured position preference: First choice 87.5%
  Second choice 11.9%
  Third choice 0.6%
Percentage indicating the position is in Washington State 38.4

Number of respondents 443


  1. All figures are calculated based on the number of responses received, not the number of graduates for the reporting period.
  2. Standard deviation (St. Dev.) is calculated using the population method.

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Accountability Report Appendices Appendix M