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TCAC Index of Commentaries

TCAC Commentaries Concerning Tri-Campus Interconnections, Collaborations & Linkages--Appendix 7

Proposed Tri-Campus Conference (Faculty Senate, Joint Council)


April 5, 1999

To: Norm Rose Tri-Campus Advisory Committee, Chair
From: Jeanne Heuving
Joint Council, Chair
UWB Representative Faculty Senate, Senate Executive Committee

Gerry Philipsen
Faculty Senate, Chair

Subject: Proposed Tri-Campus Conference

We are responding to the request for a short overview of existing bodies within the UW that address tri-campus relations. The proposed Tri-Campus Conference would be a new entity within the University of Washington, reflecting the need for a faculty body that would address tri-campus relations. It would serve as an advisory committee to the Executive Councils of the UWB General Faculty Organization, UW Faculty Senate, and UWT Faculty Assembly. Its objectives would be twofold 1) to review policies, procedures, and legislative proposals affecting the three campuses of the University of Washington, and 2) to generate possibilities for valuable new collaborations between the three campuses.

Rationale and History:

The idea of forming a Tri-Campus Conference emerged through collaborations between the leadership of the Joint Council and the Faculty Senate in May 1997. The impetus to establish this advisory conference came out of a recognized need to insure constructive communication and cooperation between and among faculty groups at the three campuses. In the beginning years of UWB and UWT, the Joint Council, among other functions, served a valuable role in bringing together faculty members of all three campuses and allowing them to discuss mutual concerns. This body was particularly important to faculty members of UWB and UWT, for it provided a format where shared problems and aspirations could surface and be addressed. At this time, the Join Council officially served as an advisory council on tenure and promotion and on other policy issues initially to the single Dean of UWB and UWT, and eventually to the respective Deans, Vice-Provosts, and Chancellors of each campus. With the establishment of separate Faculty Councils at UWB and UWT, the Joint Council devolved (informally) many of its responsibilities, among them the review of promotion and tenure. However, since it had served as a very valuable organization for formulating faculty agendas at UWB and UWT and for interacting with UW Seattle faculty members, the Joint Council sought to evolve some of these functions into the currently proposed Tri-Campus Conference. Importantly, this new body would serve to review legislative proposals affecting all three campuses that emerge within the Executive Councils of the UWB General Faculty Organization, UW Faculty Senate, and UWT Faculty Assembly.

Attachment A: Draft of proposed revision to the Faculty Code
Attachment B: Letter regarding the proposed Tri-Campus Conference

TCAC Index of Commentaries