Development and support of Willow is now discontinued. Willow was removed from production at UW on June 30, 1999.

White Paper on Java Willow

Matt Freedman
Last modified September 26, 1997

The first beta release of the Java Willow standalone application is now available. Please note that this white paper is based on the Java Willow applet, which is also still available. If you wish to hear future announcements about Willow or Java Willow, please join one of the Willow mailing lists.


Since 1990, the University of Washington has spent a great deal of effort developing a uniform set of interfaces to our library catalog and our extensive collection of licensed bibliographic databases. The first result of this project was Willow -- a Unix/X-Windows program. It was followed soon after by WILCO (Character-Oriented Willow -- usable via any ASCII terminal), and WinWillow (Willow for Microsoft Windows). This document presents an architecture for the re-implementation of Willow in Java. It is meant as a conceptual overview, not a detailed software design blueprint. It assumes a basic understanding of the concepts of the Java programming language. An understanding of the current Unix/MS-Windows user interface and architecture, as described in the Willow Technical Report is also helpful, however the nutshell version is as follows:

Java offers the promise of "Write once, run anywhere" (though unfortunately that is still just a promise). Having only one program to maintain instead of three, and getting a Macintosh Willow for free is one big attraction of Java. A Java Willow applet also fits better into the new world order of computing. Current Willow is inherently application-centric. You start up Willow, and use its database chooser interface to select from among the data sources that have been pre-configured for you by the system administrators. The web, and the vision of the future Javafied universe, is data-centric. The new Willow is designed to fit this paradigm. With this model, instead of using Willow to choose your data source, your web browser is your primary interface to the information universe. You travel through the web via whatever paths you choose to follow, until you hit a site that contains a database of information you are interested in. There, you will find the Java Willow applet embedded on a page. It will allow you to do the sophisticated searching that the UW research community has come to expect. But once you start looking at the retrieved documents, you have the full power of the web at your disposal --pretty-printed HTML displays, hypertext, and embedded multimedia objects -- because the full-record results display is the web browser itself. Another motivation for Java Willow is that we can change the acronym from Washington Information Looker-upper Layered Over Windows (which originally meant X/Windows, but now tends to connote a rather different windowing system) to Washington Information Looker-upper Layered Over the Web).

The incredible awkwardness of searching via HTML forms is probably the biggest drawback to the current generation of web-accessible databases. There are thousands upon thousands of web sites that have databases of searchable content, fronted by extremely weak HTML forms-based search interfaces. When Java Willow is complete, back-ends can be constructed to allow it to talk to the most popular web-accessible search engines. It could then be fairly easy to plug it into an arbitrary searchable web site. The following are just a few examples of sites that would be greatly improved by multi-field boolean browse-listed summary-viewable searching. For each site listed, there are dozens or hundreds of similar ones that would also be revitalized by Java Willow:

This is not to imply that any of the above sites are poorly implemented -- in fact, they represent the current state of the art in what you can with HTML-forms based search interfaces. The point is that this paradigm is extremely limited.

And though searching with web-forms is vastly inferior to searching with the standard Willow client, once you do get your hands on a result record, these web-based systems are generally much more powerful than Willow's result display. With original Willow you get plain ASCII text only. On the web, well, you get web pages -- the sky is the limit. Thus Java Willow is an attempt to get the best of both worlds.

User's Eye View

The best way to understand the Java Willow interface is to just try it yourself! For those whose browsers are not yet paying attention to the "Write Once, Run Anywhere" slogan, screen shots are included below. Also the major differences between Java Willow and standard Willow are notated.

Search Window:
Click for full size image.
Differences with Standard Willow:

Summaries Window:
Click for full-sized image.
Differences with Standard Willow:

Record Retrieval Window:
Click for full-sized image.
The full-record display is not part of the applet at all, instead the applet asks its parent web browser to display the full record. Willow's capabilities for saving, mailing, printing, and searching within a record are already built in. In addition we get lots of new features, such as all the display capabilities of HTML, hypertext links in the records, and all kinds of multi-media object types embedded in records. This web view is a big improvement over standard Willow's Full Record view.

List Browser:
Click for full-sized image
The update as-you-type List Browser is more or less the same as standard Willow's. The example here, drawn from the MEDLINE database, shows that you just need to type the first few letters of a complex medical subject-heading in order to select it from the list of all possible values for the Subject field. This is where Java Willow really stands out from HTML-based forms. However it does require backend database support (which we had to custom-build for BRS) so it may not easily translate to other backend databases in the future.


The Java Willow prototype was architected with the primary goal of getting a proof-of-concept version up as quickly as possible. It just searches our current collection of databases (BRS and Z39.50), but is designed with our plans for a second generation more universally applicable Java Willow in mind. We used as much existing Willow infrastructure as possible to do this. In this section I will first outline the current architecture, and then our vision for what the architecture will evolve into.

The Current Java Willow system can be thought of as five distinct layers:

User Interface
The user interface is of course the Java Applet that the user sees and interacts with. It is compatible with Java 1.0.x, and in theory should run in the lowest common denominator of Java-capable browsers. We used a number of add-on user interface components such as image buttons and tabbed-windows to provide the functions that the standard Java user interface toolkit (AWT) does not provide.

Java Backend
The backend is responsible for reading the configuration information for the selected database, and for establishing a connection to the database. There is a very clear line between the code that defines the backend and the user interface (in fact, different people wrote each module). The user interface and the backend are both downloaded together to the browser as part of the applet, but as you will see, in the next generation the backend is going to be running as a server-side object, and the communication will be over the network.

The halves communicate by asynchronously passing message objects back and forth. Messages are along the lines of "Connect me to this database", "Here is the configuration for your database", "You are connected", "Execute this search", "Here are some result titles", "Here is a URL for a full-record result". etc. The messages were kept as abstract and high-level as possible. For now, the backend has to translate the abstract Java message objects into standard willow/driver protocol packets (this protocol is described in the Willow Technical Report).

The backend gets the configuration information for the target by reading the exact same Willow configuration files from our web server that standard Willow reads. The files basically tell the user interface what search-field labels etc. should be displayed to the user for each database.

Connection Launderer
Ideally the backend would open a socket connection to one of our campus Willow driver-server clusters, and send willow/driver protocol data to it to establish a connection to the target database. However, because of Java security restrictions the applet can only open network connections back to the machine it was downloaded from. So the connection launderer is a simple C program (run under inetd on a Unix box) that pipes a connection from the Java Willow applet backend to our database driver server.

It also intercepts full records retrieval results coming from the driver, and instead of passing those along to the backend, it writes them to a temporary file on the web server, and passes the backend a URL it can use to get at the file. This is necessary because there is no Java function for an applet to tell the browser it is running in to open a stream of HTML -- instead the applet can only tell the browser to open a specified URL.

Database Driver
The last two Java Willow layers are exactly the same as the bottom layers of standard Willow. Database drivers are described in great detail in Willow Technical Report -- they are standalone unix programs that translate between Willow and a given target database (BRS or Z39.50). We run the drivers on a server cluster so that Unix Willow, MS-Windows Willow, and Character-Oriented Willow can all share them. Java Willow also connects to the same driver-server (via the connection launderer). We made a few small changes to our existing drivers so that they can be told to mark-up BRS and Z39.50 records in HTML, for prettier display in the browser.

Database Engine
The database engine layer is of course totally unchanged for Java Willow. The driver server makes a connection on behalf of any type of Willow client to either a UW-loaded BRS database, or a remote Z39.50 compatible database somewhere out on the internet.

The architecture we are evolving towards is more of a standard three-tier system.

User Interface
In the next generation the applet consists of the user interface alone. It will be built to use full Java 1.1.x, and most likely the Java Foundation Classes. We are hopeful that eventually a crop of browsers will evolve that will uniformly handle Java 1.1.x and JFC, and we will no longer be plagued by the browser-implementation dependent user interface glitches we constantly see now. With JFC's more advanced set of interface components, we hope to easily add the missing interface features from standard Willow.

We also plan on looking closely at various "push" technologies, to help solve the download time problem, as the applet grows heavier and heavier with features. I.e. create a Java Willow "channel" so that our classes only need to be downloaded once.

Distributed Object Middleware
The current applet's backend module will be moved to the web-server side, and thus not have to be downloaded to the browser at all. The two halves will pass messages as objects over the network. The most likely candidate technology for this is CORBA, though we have not made a definite commitment yet. We already have a CORBA-enabled prototype of Java Willow working. Due to the advantages of object-oriented programming, by simply replacing the message-passing module with a CORBA version, Java Willow's interface and backend pieces became a CORBA client and server with virtually no code changes whatsoever. The fact that CORBA is being used is totally invisible to the interface and backend code -- only the message module knows about it.

Since the backend is no longer part of an applet, it does not need to launder its connections anymore, so the connection launderer layer goes away. The backend will at first just connect directly to the existing driver layers, but eventually the driver functionality will be replaced by CORBA/Java objects as well.

Database Engine
The target databases will not need to change at all. We (and hopefully others around the world who want to use the Java Willow client) will write CORBA-servers that know about the basic set of Willow message objects, and then translate those requests into whatever a new target database needs to receive. If the database is CORBA compatible already, it should be very easy. But if not, it still will not be too hard to write new translators. For example we would like to write a Willow/CORBA to AltaVista CGI translator -- allowing Java Willow to serve as a search interface to that search engine.

Once this new architecture is in place (and Java implementations in browsers have improved), Java Willow will be a viable alternative to primitive forms-based search systems. Not to mention allow the University of Washington to satisfy our user's demands for a totally web-based information system, without taking away any of the sophisticated features they currently enjoy with the "Willow Classic" architecture.

Further Down the Road

For the longer term future, there are a number of other features we are starting to think about.

Parallel Searching
We definitely want Willow to have the ability to connect to, and run a query against several databases at the same time. The difficulty here is not really technical -- with the architecture outlined above, talking to several CORBA-based Willow backend servers at the same time is not particularly difficult at all. The real problem is one of user interface design -- how do you set up an interface for choosing multiple databases? How do you display the available search-fields when they may not be the same across the databases? How do you display the results coming in from different servers?

Lateral Searching
One of the best things about current web-based searching is the ability to do lateral searching. I.e. you do a subject search in some database, then while looking at an interesting record, the author's name appears as a hypertext link. You click on the name, and it launches a new search for all items by that author. Our paradigm is for the browser to display the results on a different page, not the applet itself. While we can make certain field values like an author's name into a hypertext link, it is not currently possible to send information back to the applet on a different page by clicking it (if I am wrong, and there is a way, somebody please let me know!).

However, with the way the web is evolving with the Web Consortium's standard Document Object Model, I am hopeful that eventually it will be possible to achieve this higher level of integration between applet and HTML page.

Database-Specific Extra Functions
One of the goals from the very outset of the Willow project has been to keep Willow as generic as possible -- it is designed to work well with any bibliographic database, and does not incorporate features that cater to any one specific type of data. This philosophy continues to be an integral part of the Java Willow design. However, it is very easy to come up with long lists of specialized functions that would be very nice to have for some target databases -- for online library catalogs it would be great to be able to talk to the circulation system to renew and reserve books etc., for medical databases an integrated way to quickly look up terminology in an online Medical dictionary would be terrific, etc. etc.

One approach to adding special features without violating our neutrality policy is to take advantage of Java's object-oriented architecture -- especially the Java Beans API -- to design a structure where database-specific user interface modules could be downloaded into Java Willow as needed, depending on the currently selected database(s).

Another approach for this sort of thing is to bypass Java entirely. Instead, use standard web techniques to provide the extra functionality in the browser's display of the result records. For example, we already have an experimental system in place where a "Retrieve Full-Text" link appears in the HTML display of retrieved journal citations from MEDLINE. When you click the link it runs a perl/CGI script that checks with the online journal full-text publishers we have licenses with, and if possible, it will actually download the entire referenced article to your web browser.

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