
Original partners in the Collaborative Dissemination project included the Alliances funded by the NSF Research in Disabilities Education (RDE) program.
- Collaborative Research: Alabama Alliance for Students with Disabilities in STEM (AASD-STEM) NSF abstracts (three awards) Alabama State University, Auburn University, and Tuskegee University.
- The Northwest Alliance for Students with Disabilities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (AccessSTEM) NSF abstract and project website.
- Deaf STEM Community Alliance: Supporting Postsecondary Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in STEM NSF abstract.
- EAST Alliance for Students with Disabilities in STEM (East) NSF abstract.
- Georgia STEM Accessibility Alliance (GSAA) NSF abstract.
- Building an Alliance for New Careers in STEM (KC-BANCS): A Collaborative Model for the Inclusion of Youth and Veterans with Disabilities NSF abstract.
- MIND Alliance for Minority Students with Disabilities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (MIND) NSF abstract.
- Ohio's STEM Ability Alliance (OSAA): STEM Degrees and Careers for Ohioans with Disabilities (OSAA) NSF abstract.
- Pacific Alliance for Supporting Individuals with Disabilities in STEM Fields Partnership (Pacific) NSF abstract and project website.
- Reaching the Pinnacle (RTP) NSF abstract.
A sample of other past and current projects funded by NSF to broaden the participation of STEM by including more individuals with disabilities in STEM academic programs and careers are listed below.
- A Cluster Randomized Study of Heuristic Teaching vs. Intelligent Tutoring for Community College Students with Disabilities in Algebra (Heuristic Teaching vs. Intelligent Tutoring) NSF abstract.
- A Randomized Study of the Impact of STEM Mentors with Disabilities on High School Students with Disabilities (STEM Mentors) NSF abstract.
- Access By Design: A Faculty Development Model of STEM Education for Undergraduate Students with Disabilities (Access by Design) NSF abstract.
- Access to Advancement: An Audio Exploration of the National Effort to Increase the Role of Women with Disabilities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Access to Advancement) NSF abstract and project website.
- AccessComputing NSF abstract and project website.
- AccessCSforAll NSF abstract, NSF abstract, and project website.
- AccessCyberlearning NSF abstract and project website.
- AccessEngineering NSF abstract and project website.
- AccessERC NSF abstract and project website.
- AccessINCLUDES NSF abstract and project website.
- AccessISL NSF abstract and project website.
- An Investigation of GI Bill Recipients with Disabilities Pursuit of STEM as a Viable Career Option NSF abstract.
- Building a Unified Research Agenda for K-12 Online Learning Environments to Improve STEM Outcomes for Students with Learning Disabilities and Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder NSF abstract.
- Career and Technical Education as a Foundation to Support Postsecondary Transitions in STEM for Students with Disabilities NSF abstract.
- Career and Technical Education as a Foundation to Support Postsecondary Transitions in STEM for Students with Disabilities NSF abstract.
- Creating Museum Media for Everyone NSF abstract.
- Developing and Evaluating a Peer Led Team Learning Curriculum in Calculus and Chemistry for Undergraduate Students with Learning and Attention Disabilities (Curriculum in Calculus and Chemistry) NSF abstract.
- Collaborative Research: Modeling IT Career Choices of Persons with Disabilities: The Case of Military Personnel and Veterans (Penn State University) NSF abstract.
- Collaborative Research: Modeling IT Career Choices of Persons with Disabilities: The Case of Military Personnel and Veterans (Washington State University) NSF abstract.
- Comprehensive Support for STEM Students with Learning Disability (CS3LD) NSF abstract and project website.
- Deaf Educational Access For Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (DEAF STEM) NSF abstract.
- Disseminating Effective Practices for Describing STEM Content for People who are Blind or Visually Impaired (Disseminating Effective Practices for Describing STEM Content) NSF abstract.
- The Effectiveness of Texas Instruments Navigator Technology on Algebra I Achievement and Attitudes of High School Students with Learning Disabilities or Who are "At Risk" (Algebra I Navigator Study) NSF abstract.
- The Effects of Dyslexia on Scientists' Analysis of Astrophysical Data NSF abstract.
- The Effects of Simulation Enhanced Training for Teachers on the Science Achievement of Third and Fourth Grade (SETS) NSF abstract.
- Effects of Teaching with Tablet PCs with Asynchronous Student Access in Post-Secondary STEM Courses on Students with Learning Disabilities (TTASA-SWLD) NSF abstract.
- Enrichment: Testing the Concept of a Virtual Alliance for Deaf and Hard of Hearing STEM Students at the Postsecondary Level (Enrichment: RIT) NSF abstract.
- Embodiment Awareness, Mathematics Discourse, and the Blind NSF abstract.
- EPSCOR: Plains Indian Sign Language: Fieldwork and Digital Archive Project NSF abstract.
- Evaluating the Implementation and Impact of RDE Projects NSF abstract.
- EXP: Exploring augmented reality to improve learning by deaf children in planetariums NSF abstract.
- Expanded Access to Biotechnology for Students with Disabilities (SummerLab) NSF abstract and project website.
- Expanding Geoscience Diversity: Alternative Field Environments for Non-Traditional Students NSF abstract.
- Increasing the Participation of Minority-serving Institutions in the Research in Disabilities Education Program (QEM RDE Workshop) NSF abstract.
- Independent Laboratory Access for Blind and Low Vision High School Students in the Mainstream Science Classroom (ILAB) NSF abstract.
- Innovations in STEM Education for Blind Undergraduates Using Digital Pen-Based Audio/Tactile Graphics (Audio/Tactile Graphics Smartpens for the Blind) NSF abstract.
- Investigating a Framework for STEM-Reading to Support Secondary School Students with Reading Disabilities NSF abstract.
- Investigating the Effectiveness of TinkerPlots in Helping Students with Learning Disabilities Understand Statistical Concepts (TinkerPlots) NSF abstract.
- Investigating Strengths People with Learning Differences Bring to STEM NSF abstract.
- Improving Access to STEM for Community College Students with Disabilities in Universally Designed Learning Communities NSF abstract.
- Improving STEM Learning through Interactive RoboBooks NSF abstract.
- Mathematics Education and Special Education (Response to Intervention) NSF abstract.
- Neuroscience for Neurodiverse Learners NSF abstract and project website.
- Postsecondary Pathways into STEM for Students with Disabilities NSF abstract.
- Predictors of Success in Postsecondary STEM Education and Employment for Students with Autism NSF abstract.
- Preparing Students with Learning Disabilities for Careers in Math and Science by Achieving Curriculum Standards (Preparing Students with LD in STEM) NSF abstract.
- Project At Ease NSF abstract.
- The Quality of Life Technology Model for Graduating and Transitioning Postsecondary Students with Disabilities in STEM NSF abstract.
- RDE Collaborative Dissemination Project NSF abstract and project website.
- Research in Disabilities Education Synthesis Project (RDE-SP) NSF abstract.
- Response to Intervention in Mathematics: Beginning Substantive Collaboration between Mathematics Education and Special Education (Response to Intervention) NSF abstract.
- Science of Learning Center: Visual Language and Visual Learning (VL2) NSF abstract
- SciTrain: Science, Math and Technology for All NSF abstract.
- Self-Regulation of Science Learning in the Context of Educational Game Creation: A Study of Middle School Students with Learning Disabilities NSF abstract.
- Signing High School Science NSF abstract and project website.
- Signing Math Dictionary NSF abstract and project website.
- Social Presence During Instructor Mediated Synchronous Versus Asynchronous On-Line Course Discussions: A Study of Undergraduate Students with Disabilities Learning Statistics NSF abstract.
- Soft Skills - Hard Science: Teaching Soft Skills to Enhance Employment Outcomes for STEM Students with Disabilities NSF abstract.
- Spatial Thinking in the Curriculum of Students who are Blind or Low Vision (Spatial Curriculum Design) NSF abstract.
- Spectrum Support Program RIT: A transition and support program for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders pursuing degrees and careers in STEM fields NSF abstract.
- STEM Collaboration Workshop for TCUP, RDE and REESE Communities NSF abstract.
- STEM Education and Workforce Participation over the Life Cycle: The Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Disability Status (University of Texas at Austin) NSF abstract.
- STEM Education and Workforce Participation over the Life Cycle: The Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Disability Status (University of Wisconsin-Madison) NSF abstract.
- STEM Education and Workforce Participation over the Life Cycle: The Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Disability Status (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) NSF abstract.
- STEM Stars NSF abstract and project website.
- Stereotype Threat Effects and Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Students; Mathematics Problem Solving Performance NSF abstract.
- Stigmatization and Stereotype Threat among Adolescents with Learning Disability: Impacts on Cognition and Performance in Math NSF abstract.
- Students with Learning Disabilities: STEM Pathways in the Social Context NSF abstract.
- Supporting Deaf and Hard of Hearing Undergraduate Students in STEM Field Settings with Remote Speech-to-Text Services (Remote Speech-to-Text Services) NSF abstract.
- Supporting Math Access for Middle and High School Blind Students Through Adaptive Math Tutoring Technology (STEM Access) NSF abstract.
- Tactile Mapping Dissemination Project NSF abstract.
- Universal Design in College Algebra: Customizing Learning Resources for Two Year Students with Learning Disabilities (UD: College Algebra) NSF abstract.
- Universal Design and Technology for Students with Disabilities in STEM Fields (UD and Technology) NSF abstract.
- Universal Design of Inquiry-Based Middle and High School Science Curricula NSF abstract.
- User Centered Digital Library: Transforming Resources for Individual Preferences (Accessible Digital Library) NSF abstract.
- Veterans in STEM: Critical Analysis of the Factors Affecting Pathways to STEM Careers for Veterans Experiencing Disabilities NSF abstract.
- Women with Disabilities in STEM Education Research Agenda Development Project (WWDSE) NSF abstract.