
K-12 Accommodations

Most teachers are responsive to the pedagogical needs of all students. However, some students with disabilities have unique educational challenges. Although teachers may receive direction regarding academic adjustments and accommodations through Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Section 504 plans for specific students, it is good to be thinking about the broad range of abilities, disabilities, and other characteristics of potential students as you design your curriculum.

Informal Science Education Accessibility Review

About You



Year in school:

Major or academic interest(s):

Check all that apply to you:

__ Female

__ Male

__ African American/Black

__ Caucasian/White

__ American Indian or Alaska Native

__ Pacific Islander

__ Hispanic/Latino

Academic Value of Your Visit

Describe one thing you learned by visiting this facility or program:




Indicate below if this activity increased your interest in any of the following:

Objective 4

Support and expand an online resource center that shares research and promising practices worldwide. The AccessSTEM website has been regularly updated and expanded and numerous publications and presentations have resulted from project efforts. It includes pages for CoPs, events, project publications, and the AccessSTEM Knowledge Base of Q&A’s, case studies, and promising practices.

Evaluation Thus Far

To ensure high quality, products undergo a rigorous development process.

Objectives 1 and 2

Objective 1

Implement changes within partner postsecondary institutions–University of Washington (UW), Bellevue College (BC), and Seattle Central Community College (SCCC)–to make STEM programs more welcoming and accessible to students with disabilities (e.g., more accessible websites and science labs, STEM publications that encourage the participation of students with disabilities).

K-12 Rights and Responsibilities

Students with disabilities, who are eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in preschool through high school, are guaranteed a free and appropriate education in the the least restrictive environment in the public schools. Public schools have the responsibility to ensure that eligible students are identified and provided with appropriate educational supports and services.

Rights & Responsibilities

Everyone has both rights and responsibilities. All children with disabilities at the K-12 level in the United States have a right to a free and appropriate education in the most inclusive setting possible. In postsecondary settings, students with disabilities have the right to access postsecondary activities and programs and the right to reasonable accommodations. Faculty members have the right to require that students demonstrate knowledge and skills essential to course content.
