UW Research

May 21, 2013

The Regional Cabled Observatory; Journey to the Bottom of the Sea: Geoff Cram (APL) and John Delaney (Oceanography) Quoted

The goal of the Regional Cabled Observatory is, “…to better understand and monitor the depths of the Pacific Ocean – from volcanic eruptions to deep-sea earthquakes that could lead to tsunamis.” Geoff Cram, a Mechanical Engineering at the Applied Physics Lab (APL) is working on some of the complex technology (deployed in June) which includes a monitoring device called a medium powered junction box. These devices will be deployed in multiple locations in the depths of the Pacific off the coast of Oregon and Washington. Data will be sent via fiberoptic cable. Want to see a volcano erupt in real time? Video technology is also available. Delaney commented, “It’s going to be gee whiz, here’s what happens when an underwater volcano erupts and no one’s captured the full drama and potential science that goes with a very dynamic very transient event that’s hard to predict. We will be there.” Read the full article on KUOW.