UW Research

June 29, 2023

Finance Transformation: Prepare for Workday Finance Impacts & Updates

In preparation for UWFT, the following message was sent from Vice Provost for Research Mari Ostendorf to Principal Investigators on June 29, 2023.

Dear Colleagues,

Workday Finance go-live is scheduled for Thursday, July 6th. In any major change like this, there will be bumps in the road. The UWFT program team will be sending out email updates as work to address problems progresses, but only a subset will be relevant for researchers. To help you manage the transition, we will post status updates on our UWFT for Principal Investigators webpage under the “Latest News” sidebar.

During the first few weeks, familiar processes may be slower than usual. There are manual processes needed for the transition, and unanticipated problem fixes will introduce delays. In addition, administrative staff who support research are learning new processes and systems. The delays could impact anything financial, from purchasing to proposals and award setup. You are strongly encouraged to build in extra time and start your requests early.

Submissions for the July 5th NIH deadline will be unaffected by Workday go-live; the SAGE Suite will remain available until 5:35 p.m. on July 5th to accommodate submissions to the NIH. SAGE will be unavailable after 5:35 p.m. on July 5th until July 7th at 6 a.m., when new SAGE features will be live. For sponsor deadlines between July 6th and July 12th, updated GIM 19 deadlines are posted here.

The UWFT team and staff across the University are working hard to maintain business continuity throughout this process. Please know that they understand research needs are high priority. Your patience, understanding and advance planning during this period will help. Thank you for your dedication to research at the University of Washington.


Mari Ostendorf
Vice Provost for Research