UW Research
February 22, 2024
02/22/24 SAGE Release Highlights
The following email was sent to the SAGE and MRAM mailing lists on Thursday, 02/22/24, following the SAGE release.
The following features were released to SAGE today, Thursday, 02/22/24. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at sagehelp@uw.edu.
SAGE Release Summary
Award Setup Requests
- Help Text Added for Supporting Attachments: In Award Setup Requests (ASRs), guidance has been added to the Supporting Attachments section to specify commonly requested attachments.
Award Modification Requests
- Start/End Date Labels and Help Text Updates: In the General Information section of Modification Requests (MODs), “Current Authorized Spending Start/End Date” has been updated to “Award Line(s) / Budget Period Start/End Date” to clarify dates required by Grant and Contract Accounting (GCA). Help text has also been added for additional guidance.
SAGE Budget
- Fixes:
- An issue has been fixed where the “Do Not Round” with 0 decimals setting selection was rounding up instead of truncating at the decimal level set by the users.
- An issue has been fixed where some employee benefits were not defaulting in the SAGE Budget personnel section, due to the change from Job Classification to Job Family within Workday. The employee selection now pulls from the new Workday Job Family values.
- SAGE Budget Alert & Validation for 03-62 (subaward) Line Entries: As an added reminder, SAGE Budget now displays an alert that the 03-62 (subaward) line entry is for the proposal budget only. Additionally, Award Setup Requests that include 03-62 as a line entry will be blocked from submission, and users will be reminded to instead create a subaward worksheet.
Central Office & General System Improvements
- GCA & OSP Workflow Improvements:
- OSP and GCA can now see a breakdown of an ASR’s linked budget amounts by the categories needed for Workday plan setup, aggregated by Ledger, Object Class, and Spend Category for each award line and period. With this added feature, GCA can easily enter amounts needed for Workday plans, resulting in time savings.
- OSP and GCA can now customize their view of budget data by toggling Object Class Details and Award Line Details on or off in the Budget and Award Lines and Review sections to better focus their work.
- Coming soon: To further support GCA and help reduce their backlog, an additional late February release will expand the SAGE to Workday integration by sending SAGE Award Budget details to Workday plans and allow GCA to preview budget amounts that will flow to Workday.
- SAGE Central Fixes:
- An issue has been fixed where changes to the Cost Center Code in an Admin Action were saving multiple times, causing an unexpected display of multiple codes.
- An issue has been fixed where the incorrect sponsor displayed in the Admin Action after changing or adding a sponsor.
- Performance Improvements: The SAGE team continues to address miscellaneous issues that create additional load on the system.
If you have any questions or encounter issues, please reach out to sagehelp@uw.edu. Thank you!