UW Research
December 20, 2023
12/20/23 SAGE Release Summary
The following email was sent to the SAGE and MRAM mailing lists on Wednesday, 12/20/23, following the SAGE release.
The following features were released to SAGE today, Wednesday, 12/20/23. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at sagehelp@uw.edu.
SAGE Release Summary
- Additional Data in the Award Requests List: More data now displays in the Award Requests List for at-a-glance context for each item. The new data includes:
- Short title (added for Modifications; already exists for Award Setup Requests)
- eGC1 (added for Modifications; already exists for Award Setup Requests)
- Cost Center ID (added for Award Setup Requests; may not appear for Modifications)
- Principal Investigator
- Workday Award ID
- Sponsor Name
- Prime/Originating Sponsor Name
- Filtering Enhancements in the Award Requests List: The following filter enhancements improve performance and provide more filtering options. Refer to the SAGE User Guides for searching and filtering guidance.
- Filter by Principal Investigator (PI): Users can now view all Award Setup (ASR) and Modification Requests (MOD) for a selected PI.
- Filter by Award ID: Users can now filter by Workday Award ID to see all ASR and MOD requests for a given award.
- Note: When filtering by Award ID, users will only see items that they have permissions to view per the “Access and Roles” section. When searching for a given award, users will see all results, though they will only be able to view items they have access to.
- Note: There is a known bug where recently processed ASRs may not display the Workday Award ID in the Award Requests List.
- Workday Awards Now Sync to SAGE: Workday awards are now immediately available in SAGE for users to create subaward and MOD requests once the new ASR or ADV is processed in SAGE. The data sync also backfills data from converted awards and awards processed prior to this release.
- “Processed” Filter for Advances Reactivated: Users may now use the “Processed” filter in the Advance Tasklist.
- Budget Export Fields Added: More data fields are now included in SAGE Budget exports:
- Cost Center
- Security Grant Hierarchy
- Worksheet-level PI
For a list of recent SAGE feature releases and fixes, visit SAGE Features & Prioritized Issues. If you have any questions or encounter issues, please reach out to sagehelp@uw.edu. Thank you for your continued support and patience.
The Office of Research Information Services (ORIS)