August 14, 2024
8/19/24 Grant Runner NIH Error Checking Disruption in SAGE
The following information was sent via email to SAGE users with any of the following ASTRA roles: SAGE Proposal Preparer, SAGE Global Edit, OSP System Admin, OSP Administrator, or OSP Subcontracts.
On Monday, August 19, 2024, Grant Runner system-to-system connections and functionality in SAGE will be impacted by National Institutes of Health (NIH) server updates.
What to Expect on August 19
- When you select Check for Errors, the NIH portion of the Check for Errors will not run. However, the Grants.Gov errors will still display as usual.
- The routing and submission of applications will continue to go through to NIH, as long as all Grants.Gov error checks pass. This does not mean your Grant Runner application is completely error free.
- View Grant Runner forms (PDF) will no longer function. Selecting it will generate an error message.
Recommended Action for Campus Users
Before August 19
To mitigate the lack of NIH error checks pre-submission, we encourage Grant Runner users to check errors on applications in Composing status prior to August 18. This may help you identify potential NIH issues early.
After August 19
After August 19, users are advised to review the application in eRA Commons post-submission. This will help ensure no NIH errors are present and allow you to generate the application PDF, if desired.
For reference and to help prevent common errors, review Common NIH Application Errors/Validations.
Note: The Human Subjects and Clinical Trials form is complex and includes many NIH validations that will be temporarily disrupted after August 19. If you are concerned about missing NIH error validations, you have the option of using ASSIST for your submission.
Expected Resolution
ORIS is working on updates that will restore our system-to-system connection with NIH. These updates will likely be released in October. In the meantime, your Grant Runner submissions will continue to go through, but without the additional pre-submission NIH error checking.
The Office of Research Information Services (ORIS)