UW Research

May 4, 2015

First certificate in faculty effort reporting awarded to Laura Davis

Laura Davis, Complex Grants Specialist at the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, is the first staff person to complete the certificate in faculty effort reporting provided by the office of Management Accounting and Analysis through CORE.  Ms. Davis explains why the certificate and courses were valuable to her:

1. These topics are complicated, and it helps to see and hear the information in a variety of ways, which reinforces the learning. So rather than just reading a set of instructions on a website, or perusing features in the newsletter, the classes allow students to explore real examples and see how it all comes together. In every single class I learn nuggets of essential information I could not have understood in any other way!

2. It’s especially helpful having the experts on hand in the class so we can ask questions – live and on topic.

Read more about the certificate in effort reporting by visiting the MAA website.