March 5, 2024
For the Record- March 5, 2024: WCG IRB Changes
In this Issue:
WCG IRB Now Applying Common Rule to All Research
Changes for Non-Federally Funded Research
Effective March 1st, 2024, WCG IRB is applying the Common Rule (45 CFR 46) and its subparts to all new protocols it reviews regardless of the source of funding for the research. Historically, WCG IRB has only applied the Common Rule requirements where mandatory (i.e., federally funded or supported). As described in WCG’s notice to the research community, WCG is doing this in anticipation of potential changes to the FDA’s requirements and to the SMART IRB Agreement.
WCG anticipates that the primary impact to researchers will be new requirements for the content of consent forms.
For questions about this change, contact WCG IRB’s Institutions Partnership Manager for UW, Andy Parkhurst, at
What to Expect when Logging into Zipline
Changes to Duo 2FA Experience
If you use Duo two-factor authentication (2FA) and your UW NetID to log in to UW resources, you likely received an announcement notifying users of changes coming March 5, 2024. For more information, visit “Changes to Duo Experience.”
In addition to the UW services mentioned in the announcement, you will notice these changes when logging into Zipline.
Three significant changes:
- When first logging in with the new Duo, you may be asked for a prompt you do not usually use (i.e., you may get a push notification to your mobile device, when you usually get a phone call). You can select “Other options” to select a different method. The look and feel will also be slightly different.
- The web address in your browser will contain ‘’
- The “remember me” feature will instead ask you “Is this your device.” If you select “Yes, this is my device,” Duo will remember you for 30 days. If you select “No, other people use this device,” Duo will not remember you, and you will be prompted to log in with 2FA the next time you log in with that browser or device.
To get help from the UW-IT Service Center, refer to:
If you have any issues logging in to Zipline, please email
Study Access in Zipline
A Reminder
When you log in to Zipline, you are only able to see studies that you have been given permission to view or edit. If you only need to view a study, a study team member who can access the Zipline study may add you as a study guest. If you need to edit the study and/or act as a PI proxy, you must first be added to the Local Study Team Members page on the Zipline application through a study modification.
Review the Managing Study Access page for more information, or contact if you have any questions.