UW Research

October 11, 2010

Introducing Dave Eaton, Interim Vice Provost for Research

Professor Dave Eaton

I’m delighted but humbled, to step into the role of Interim Vice Provost for Research of this great University. In spite of the relatively recent turn down in the national and state economies, the research enterprise at the University of Washington remains as vibrant as ever. Leading this remarkable organization is truly an honor.

Although there are many challenges we face, I am comforted by the fact that I will still be reporting to the same ‘bosses’ I’ve had for the past five years in my role as Associate Vice Provost for Research. Interim Provost Mary Lidstrom, and Interim President Phyllis Wise have, and will continue to provide, steady leadership and vision for this University. Most importantly, I know that the dedicated staff in HSD, ORIS, OSP and OR-Central will continue their tireless efforts to provide outstanding service to our stakeholders, while at the same time ensuring full compliance with federal and state regulations.

The research productivity of our faculty, staff, and students continues to be nothing short of amazing – this is the ‘bright light’ in an otherwise dim economic climate. The UW recently exceeded $325 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA ‘Stimulus’) funding from federal resources, placing us at or near the top of all research institutions nation-wide (see ARRA side bar). This is in addition to the over $1 billion in annual grants and contracts our faculty have received.

The recent UW Economic Impact Report shows how important the UW research enterprise is to the State of Washington. For every dollar of state investment in the UW, we have returned over $22 to the state economy! Much of that impressive return on investment is the result of the $1.3 billion in research grants and contracts brought into the State, as well as the intellectual stimulus and well trained graduates that attract new businesses with high paying jobs.

Finally, the research enterprise is an integral part of the education mission of the UW. I am committed to ensuring that the Office of Research does all that we can so that our students (undergraduate, graduate, and professional) have every opportunity to learn from, and contribute to “discovery,” the hallmark of our research endeavor. True to our motto, “DISCOVERY is at the heart of the university.”