UW Research

June 24, 2008

Quantum mechanics and the Many Worlds Interpretation

Speaker: Stephanie Haire

Just whispering the words “quantum mechanics” may draw shivers of incoherence in many of us, but Stephanie has the knack of being able to clearly explain the fundamentals as well as the fantastic foundations of quantum mechanics and how different interpretations can change our view of the Universe. You will learn a lot this evening.

The talks of the Theodor Jacobsen Observatory open house season are given by undergraduates at the University of Washington, individuals who are either majoring in physics and astronomy or are in other majors but really enthusiastic about astronomy. The level of the talks varies with the topic. Some are geared more to the younger visitors; most are geared for high school level. Please come and lend your support. By being in the audience you will be taking part in the educational program at the U of W.