Legislative District 6

UW community members are living and working in districts across Washington state. Here's how we are making an impact in your neck of the woods.

Image source: Legislative Support Services


  • 1,018 alumni

  • 43 Husky Promise students

  • 169 UW students

  • 66 UW faculty and staff


Fourth-generation Spokanites Ted and Jeremy McGregor founded the Inlander, an independent newspaper, in 1993. Since then, the Inlander has become a community staple. The McGregor brothers also produce a slew of city guides, and host and support a number of annual events that celebrate Spokane-specific food, music and sports. “Great writers inspired me in the classroom,” Ted says, “while the great city of Seattle inspired me outside it.”
Ted and Jeremy McGregorUW '87 & '92; University of Washington Magazine feature
"I get excited by working to democratize medicine. I want to be a part of restructuring our system of healthcare research and delivery to place the needs and assets of communities at the center. Communities should be able to participate in setting the values and goals of the healthcare system that serves them."
Kevin GloverSchool of Medicine; UW Medicine

"Leveraging my ambition and interdisciplinary problem-solving, I am proud to enhance neuropsychiatric memory care, conduct clinical psychology research, increase neuroscience accessibility, advocate culturally competent diversity, equity and inclusion, and serve as a student handler for Dubs II. These combined endeavors have developed my empathy, tenacity and commitment to excellence as a future physician-researcher where I aspire to effectuate long-term community impact by improving preventative health and treatment interventions."
Jillian HolbrookB.S. Neuroscience; B.A. Psychology; College Honors; 2024 Husky 100 member


The UW facilitates hundreds of programs in communities across the state. Below are a few that operate in your district. Programs active as of January 2023.

K–12 Telemedicine Pilot

The telemedicine consultation line for K–12 employees is a two-year pilot program formed as a collaboration between the UW School of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Seattle Children’s Hospital. The pilot provides virtual behavioral-health consultation and staff training in two K–12 school districts — the Sumner-Bonney Lake and Medical Lake school districts — starting in the latter half of the 2019–20 school year and extending into 2020–21. The program aims to equip staff to better serve students with suspected behavioral-health challenges.

WWAMI–Medical Education in Spokane

The UW School of Medicine program in Spokane partners with Gonzaga University to house health-science programs in the Spokane & Inland Empire Railroad (SIERR) building as well as the new Health Partnership building in Spokane. The new facility, which opened for student instruction in fall 2022, includes expanded classrooms for lectures and small-group teaching, an anatomy lab and space for additional faculty as well as student study and counseling areas. Part of WWAMI, the School of Medicine’s program in Spokane makes medical education and training more accessible across eastern Washington.

UW School of Dentistry–RIDE

Regional Initiatives in Dental Education (RIDE) is a track of the UW School of Dentistry using a groundbreaking model of dental education to train dentists to meet the needs of rural and underserved populations in the state and region. Funded by the Legislature in 2007, RIDE increases access to quality dental care in remote communities, enhances the diversity of state and regional health-care workers and improves the health-care system by training team-oriented professionals. RIDE operates in conjunction with Eastern Washington University and alongside dental associations, community health centers, Area Health Education Centers and other stakeholders. Over 70% of RIDE graduates return to rural and underserved areas of Washington and the region to practice dentistry.

Pacific Northwest Seismic Network

The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN), a partnership between the University of Oregon and the University of Washington, is dedicated to reducing impacts of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in Washington and Oregon by providing accurate and timely information about earthquakes and ground motions to scientists, engineers, planners and the public. The second-largest seismic network in the United States, PNSN has more than 300 seismograph stations as well as several offices and personnel across the region.


  • Sen. Jeff Holy (R),
    Sen. Jeff Holy (R)

    Sen. Jeff Holy (R)

  • Rep. Mike Volz (R),
    Rep. Mike Volz (R)

    Rep. Mike Volz (R)

  • Rep. Jenny Graham (R),
    Rep. Jenny Graham (R)

    Rep. Jenny Graham (R)