Legislative District 9

UW community members are living and working in districts across Washington state. Here's how we are making an impact in your neck of the woods.

Image source: Legislative Support Services


  • 1,277 alumni

  • 39 Husky Promise students

  • 176 UW students

  • 86 UW faculty and staff


"My Husky experience is shaped by incredible opportunities and communities that have challenged me to understand the intersectionality of my identities. Through my interdisciplinary coursework, computational neuroscience research, and Muslim Students Association leadership, I have grown to be a more curious and compassionate leader. These experiences have prepared me to become a culturally-competent physician aiming to increase healthcare accessibility through technology and patient advocacy."
Aaisya IslamBiochemistry; 2022 Husky 100 member
"I am a current dental student at the University of Washington School of Dentistry in the RIDE program. I am excited to finish school and serve Eastern Washington as a Latino dentist."
Alec MontemayorDoctor of Dental Surgery program; RIDE student


The UW facilitates hundreds of programs in communities across the state. Below are a few that operate in your district. Programs active as of January 2023.

UW in the High School

Through the UW in the High School program, high school sophomores, juniors and seniors can complete University of Washington courses — and earn college credit — in their own classrooms with their own teachers. Teachers are approved and trained by UW faculty to teach official UW courses using UW curriculum, activities, texts, tests and grading scales. Participating students can earn college credits at a fraction of the cost, and these credits are accepted by most colleges and universities across Washington and around the country. Partner high schools can offer UW coursework in computer science, math, science, world languages, humanities and social sciences. Check out which schools UW in the High School is partnering with in your area.  

UW School of Dentistry–RIDE

Regional Initiatives in Dental Education (RIDE) is a track of the UW School of Dentistry using a groundbreaking model of dental education to train dentists to meet the needs of rural and underserved populations in the state and region. Funded by the Legislature in 2007, RIDE increases access to quality dental care in remote communities, enhances the diversity of state and regional health-care workers and improves the health-care system by training team-oriented professionals. RIDE operates in conjunction with Eastern Washington University and alongside dental associations, community health centers, Area Health Education Centers and other stakeholders. Over 70% of RIDE graduates return to rural and underserved areas of Washington and the region to practice dentistry.

Pacific Northwest Seismic Network

The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN), a partnership between the University of Oregon and the University of Washington, is dedicated to reducing impacts of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in Washington and Oregon by providing accurate and timely information about earthquakes and ground motions to scientists, engineers, planners and the public. The second-largest seismic network in the United States, PNSN has more than 300 seismograph stations as well as several offices and personnel across the region.


  • Sen. Mark Schoesler (R),
    Sen. Mark Schoesler (R)

    Sen. Mark Schoesler (R)

  • Rep. Mary Dye (R),
    Rep. Mary Dye (R)

    Rep. Mary Dye (R)

  • Rep. Joe Schmick (R),
    Rep. Joe Schmick (R)

    Rep. Joe Schmick (R)