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The application to present at the Undergraduate Research Symposium is open to students from all disciplines and research experiences. Explore application components and access support below.

Application Steps and Timeline

View the application steps and timeline at the button below. This page is a friendly reminder of where you are in the application process and is updated regularly.

Application Steps


Myths & Realities for Those Considering Presenting

Myths & Realities

Most students are accepted to present at the Symposium. We know that many research conferences are exclusionary, and we have created this Symposium to provide the opportunity for all students, regardless of experience or background, to present work they are proud of and for the UW community to celebrate the work undergraduates have accomplished. The application review process serves as a chance for the Office of Undergraduate Research staff to provide feedback in order to best prepare your research for presentation.

Students from all majors present their work. We have had projects in biology, visual arts, dance, forestry, computer science, music, business, and many other disciplines. At this point, it would be hard to find a major that didn’t have student presenters! Any and all students are encouraged to apply.

Students at all stages in the research process are encouraged to present. You do not need to have final results to present your work!

Students of all class standings can present at Symposium. The more the merrier! The Symposium provides a great venue to practice communicating your research so that you feel even more confident at your next conference!

Any students engaged in undergraduate research or creative inquiry are encouraged to present at the Symposium. Students that are awarded a Mary Gates research scholarship are required to present, but we welcome and encourage all undergraduate researchers to share their research, and to build their communications skills, by presenting at the Symposium.

Application Components


Start Here

You can start an application on MySymposium (note: you can save and return to your application at any time). After answering questions about yourself, you will need to consider co-presenters, mentors, and your abstract or artist statement.

Additionally, eligible students will have the chance to apply for this year’s 2025 Population Health Initiative Award.

Adding Co-Presenters

For group presentations, the primary presenter should submit co-presenters’ information during the application process. Co-presenters will receive an email to verify that they are part of the group. Note that only the primary presenter may edit or submit the application.

Adding Mentors

You will need to enter the names and email addresses of your research mentor(s). The application requires that you submit information for your primary faculty mentor. You are welcome to include information for any additional mentors as well.

Mentors can learn more about the role they play during Symposium here.

Creating your Abstract or Artist Statement

Abstract: An abstract is a concise summary of your research that highlights major points from your project. Work with your mentor to review your abstract and title before submitting. We strongly recommend that you view the abstract writing workshop on Youtube and abstract statement guidelines to help you get started. You can also view examples from previous years’ Symposia.

Artist Statement: Those interested in the Visual Arts and Design Showcase or Performing Arts Session may submit an artist statement in lieu of an abstract. The artist statement should explain your work and may provide background, context, subject matter, purpose, theories and/or meaning of the artwork. You may view examples from last year’s showcase and check out artist statement guidelines to help guide your writing process.

Presentation Types

Poster Presentations

Students will design and print a 40- by 32-inch poster detailing their project or research. On the day of the Symposium, they will be grouped into sessions with other similar presentations and are expected to stand with their poster to talk to audience members and answer any questions they may have.

Oral Presentations

Students will create and deliver a 10-minute oral presentation and participate in a two-minute Q&A session. The oral presentation may be accompanied by a visual slideshow, handout for the audience, live demonstration, performance, and/or audience participation. On the day of the Symposium, students will be placed in a themed session with 4-6 other presenters and a faculty moderator.

Visual Arts & Design Showcase

Students will showcase art forms developed as part of the research process. This could include paintings, drawings, prints, sculptures, architectural models, digital art, experimental media, jewelry, textiles, photography/film, mixed media, and more. Students are required to present their exhibit on the day of Symposium and submissions in this category may be displayed for up to two weeks beginning on Symposium day.

Performance Session

Students will create and deliver a 10-minute presentation. The presentation must include a performance-based component that was created as part of the research process such as music, theatre, or dance. This presentation may be accompanied by a slideshow component discussing the research process.

Application Support

Please feel free to utilize the following recorded workshop and information sessions:

Further, use the Abstract and Artist Statement Guidelines to help you format your submission.


The Office of Undergraduate Research also offers advising for undergraduate students pursuing research. You can view the advising page here.