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Quality Improvement in Financial Management at the University of Washington

Vol. 3, No. 1
Winter 2004

Moody's Upgrades UW Bond Ratings

EIT Retreat 2003—Celebrating the Past and Planning for the Future

Becoming Knowledge Driven—Changes in Financial Services

Financial Services Retreat Results in Development of Two New Teams

Welcome to New Financial Management Departments, Risk Management and Key Disk!

Responding to the Employee Survey: The SFS Journey



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Welcome to New Financial Management Departments,
Risk Management and Key Disk!

by Randi Adar

Financial Management is pleased to announce the addition of two new departments to our organization—Risk Management and Key Disk! These departments have long been process partners with various departments in FM, so we welcome the opportunity to work with them more closely as part of our team.

Risk Management (RM) is a department whose main responsibility is “organizing, coordinating, and carrying out programs to control the risks to which departments and, ultimately, the University are exposed” (see Risk Management’s website, RM’s sixteen person staff transferred to Financial Management from Business Services, but for the present, RM’s move is purely organizational in nature—their working groups plan to stay in their present Gerberding and Roosevelt Commons offices. Elizabeth Cherry, RM’s Director, is very excited about being part of the FM, particularly due to the opportunities provided by FM’s Quality Improvement Program. In addition, she says, “this move is a great opportunity to work more closely with people that we’ve had contact with in the past. We’ve found everyone in Financial Management to be extremely helpful and welcoming. ” Please read about Risk Management’s latest accomplishments at
FM 101: Risk Management - More Than Just Insurance.

Key Disk is the second addition to Financial Management. Key Disk is a two-person group who enter manual invoices, check requests, journal vouchers, travel expense vouchers and more into the Financial Accounting System. Their job is the final step in the manual payment process and in applying transactions to campus budgets. Key Disk will be transferred into the Financial Services department from Computing and Communications, and will also remain in their present location in the Payables and Accounting Building.
Welcome to these new Financial Management members!

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Office of Financial Management
Modified: January 9, 2004