
What is Rehabilitation Counseling?

Rehabilitation Counseling is a discipline that provides counseling services to people with disabilities to help them achieve their personal, academic, and career goals. Rehabilitation counselors often work in collaboration with health care professionals providing coordination of services as part of a rehabilitation team. They support family members, employers, and other stakeholders. A primary focus is to help individuals develop self-advocacy skills and increase independence.

RoboBooks: A Promising Practice on Universally Designed Science Materials

Despite legislation established to allow students with disabilities to fully participate in classrooms, there is still a prominent gap in the science performance of students with and without disabilities (National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2005). While expectations for students with disabilities have increased considerably, the instructional materials used in the science classroom generally remain limited to printed text and paper-and-pencil activities. Often, these static media pose barriers in learning for students with disabilities, who are often struggling readers.

Where can I learn more about speech-to-text services typically offered at postsecondary institutions?

PEPNet has reformatted into the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes, which outlines the different technologies used to provide speech-to-text services. It also includes information about scheduling and policy development for speech-to-text services.

In addition, they have developed a variety of free online videos, PDF documents, and Tipsheets designed to educate readers about the different speech-to-text options. The current offerings can be easily found by searching the site using the key words "speech-to-text".

What are tactile graphics?

Tactile graphics, sometimes referred to as the haptic sensory modality, deliver information through touch. They often accompany Braille textbooks to convey content in maps, charts, building layouts, schematic diagrams, and images of geometric figures. Tactile graphics are often handmade by Braille transcribers as part of Braille textbook production. In some cases, the creation of tactile graphics is facilitated by automated processes using various software applications. Some methods used to create tactile graphics are described below.
