
Purdue University: A Promising Practice in Building Campus-wide Support for Web Accessibility

Administrators at Purdue University look for ways to raise awareness of web accessibility issues and to educate employees on how to create websites that are accessible to individuals with a broad range of disabilities. They have focused efforts through a campus-wide Web Accessibility Committee (WAC). WAC members represent both academic and administrative units across campus. Most are web developers and all are strong supporters of accessible web design. WAC members have:

UAA STEM Transition Event: A Promising Practice in Preparing Youth for College

The University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) invited a group of thirty high school seniors with disabilities, along with their teachers and parents, to a transition event. The UAA Transition to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) event exposes students, teachers, and parents to STEM programs on campus and facilitates the transition from high school to college.

Evergreen Elementary: A Promising Practice in Empowering Students through Assistive Technology

Mary Driscoll teaches in the special education and learning assistance program (LAP) at Evergreen Elementary School in Spokane, WA. Following a presentation on assistive technology by DO-IT staff, Ms. Driscoll applied for and received an AccessSTEM minigrant to purchase technology for her school.

What if a student with a disability disrupts my college class?

All students, including those with disabilities, should be expected to comply with established campus behavioral standards. Consider discussing the problem with the student in private and informing them of behavioral expectations in the classroom.

Contact the campus student services unit that handles behavioral issues and/or the disability services coordinator for guidance.

Orientation 2 (O2): A Promising Practice to Introduce Incoming Freshman to Computing Fields and Disability Resources

In conjunction with the University of Minnesota, Duluth (UMD) orientation program for incoming freshman, Career Services and Disability Services (DS&R) and Resources staff, with funding support from AccessComputing, held an additional orientation program for incoming freshman with disabilities on August 31st and September 1st, 2006.

What job preparation supports might benefit young people with mental health issues?

Students with mental health issues benefit from traditional job supports such as career assessments, job search training, and work-based learning opportunities. As referenced in the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability's workforce guide, youth with mental health needs may also benefit from employment programs that offer

Faculty Learning Communities: A Promising Practice in Faculty Development

California State University has set up faculty learning communities to help their faculty implement universal design principles in their classes, labs, and lectures. The learning communities at Sonoma State University are organized by Ensuring Access Through Collaboration and Technology (EnAct), a project funded by the U.S. Department of Education.
