
How can principles of universal design be applied to technology-based math content?

Applying universal design principles results in products and environments that are usable by most people without having to make special adaptations. Universal design applied to educational environments, especially when technology is involved, is referred to by the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) as Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL promotes the design of learning experiences that can be effective for students with a wide variety of characteristics, including disabilities.

Elena and Computer Graphics: A Case Study on Accommodating Health Impairments


My name is Elena. I am working toward my associate's degree in computer graphics at the community college. I have Lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease causing inflammation of the tissues, which can be painful. Recently I developed repetitive strain injuries (RSI) as a result of my muscle pain and weakness and extensive computer use. I take medications that partially control the Lupus symptoms. I do not have a visible disability, so sometimes people think I am faking or unnecessarily avoiding work.

Connecting with Peers: A Case Study on College Transition for a Student with Asperger's Syndrome


My name is Austin. I have a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome and I recently started taking classes at my local community college.

Access Issue

My family and I were concerned about my transition to college because I have difficulty meeting people and making new friends. Having friends my own age at school helps me to stay positive and motivated when things get hard. My two best friends in high school were people whom I have known all my life.

Are postsecondary institutions responsible for accessibility at off-campus events?

If an off-campus event, such as a graduation ceremony or a course, is sponsored by an institution, the institution is responsible for ensuring that it is accessible to qualified students and guests with disabilities. When planning the event, inspect the meeting rooms, parking areas, restrooms, and other facilities ahead of time to ensure that they are accessible to people with mobility impairments and other types of disabilities. Also include a statement in event publications and websites that tells how to request disability-related accommodations.

Alternative Access: A Case Study on the Benefits of Assistive Technology for Students with Temporary Disabilities


My name is Carol. I am a nontraditional student who was recently diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a repetitive motion injury that affects my wrists. As a journalism major, I have many writing assignments that require the use of a computer.

Access Issue

I could not complete my coursework and assignments because my injury prevented me from using the standard computer keyboard.

If a student with a disability qualifies for accommodations in high school, will they receive the same accommodations in college?

High schools are entities covered under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. When they attend college, students with disabilities will not necessarily continue to receive the same accommodations that they received in high school.

What adaptive technology is typically provided to students with disabilities on postsecondary campuses?

A wide variety of hardware and software is available to students with disabilities on postsecondary campuses. Some schools provide it in an adaptive technology lab operated by the disabled student services office or the central computing organization. Often this area is integrated within a general access computing lab that is available to all students.

For an example of products provided in such a facility, consult Access Technology Center.
